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Index: D

Darwin Streaming Media Server: 5.2.3. QuickTime (Designing Web Audio)
dashed borders: The border-style property (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
DAT (digital audio tape) machines: 3.1.6. DAT recorders (Designing Web Audio)
recorders (Designing Web Audio) A.2.11. DAT (digital audio tape)
field recording: 3.2.2. Field recording (Designing Web Audio)
lavaliere clip-on microphones: Lavaliere clip-on microphones (Designing Web Audio)
live concerts: Live concerts and events (Designing Web Audio)
data attribute ( ): 12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Appendix B. List of Attributes (Web Design in a Nutshell) The data attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
data containers, storing clip references in: Storing references to clips in data containers (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
data, exchanging with XML
connecting systems: 15.8.3. Connecting Systems (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
document exchange: 15.8.2. Document Exchange (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
data movie clip event: 10.10.4. data (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
data movie clip event handler: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
building preloaders: Using a data event handler with loadMovie( ) (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
loadMovie( ) and: Using a data event handler with loadMovie( ) (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
loadVariables( ) and: Using a data event handler with loadVariables( ) (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
order of execution: 10.12. Order of Execution (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
data rate (video): 25.1. Basic Digital Video Concepts (Web Design in a Nutshell)
data tables: 13.2. Introduction to Tables (Web Design in a Nutshell)
data validation: 19.1. Debugging Tools (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
data values and logical expressions: 5.7.4. Logical Expressions and Data Values (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
database model: The relational database model: A bottom-up approach (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
CDDB: Working with the CDDB (Designing Web Audio) CDDB database support (Designing Web Audio)
tracking RealAudio content: 6.4.6. Database management and tracking of RealAudio content (Designing Web Audio)
datatypes: 3. Data and Datatypes (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
built-in ActionScript: 3.2.1. The ActionScript Datatypes (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
converting: 3.4. Datatype Conversion (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
comparison operations and: 5.5.5. Comparison Operations and Datatype Conversion (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
equality operations and: 5.4.3. Equality and Datatype Conversion (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
converting to
Booleans: 3.4.1. Automatic Type Conversion (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) Converting to a Boolean (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
7.1. The if Statement (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
numbers: 3.4.1. Automatic Type Conversion (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
function (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) Converting to a number with the Number( )
5.3. Arithmetic Operators (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
strings: 3.4.1. Automatic Type Conversion (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
creating data: 3.3. Creating and Categorizing Data (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Flash 4 to Flash 5 conversions: 3.4.4. Flash 4-to-Flash 5 Datatype Conversion (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
manually determining: 2.4.3. Determining the Type Manually (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
3.4.5. Determining the Type of an Existing Datum (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
operators and: 5.1.5. Datatypes and Operators (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
primitive: 4. Primitive Datatypes (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
equality of: 5.4.1. Primitive Datatype Equality (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
vs. composite: 3.5. Primitive Data Versus Composite Data (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
variables and: 2.4. Types of Values (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
date and time, SSI and: 18.4.1. Example: Printing the Date and Time (Web Design in a Nutshell)
formatting: 18.8. Time Formats for SSI Output (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Date class: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date( ) global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
DATE_GMT variable: 18.7. Include Variables (Web Design in a Nutshell)
DATE_LOCAL variable: 18.4. Using Environment Variables (Web Design in a Nutshell)
18.7. Include Variables (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Date objects, creating: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getDate( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getDay( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getFullYear( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getHours( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getMilliseconds( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getMinutes( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getMonth( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getSeconds( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getTime( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getTimezoneOffset( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getUTCDate( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getUTCDay( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getUTCFullYear( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getUTCHours( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getUTCMilliseconds( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getUTCMinutes( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getUTCMonth( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getUTCSeconds( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.getYear( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
adding days to/subtracting days from: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
applying custom formatting to: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
calculating using milliseconds: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
UTC time: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
loading SWF files based on: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setDate( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setFullYear( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setHours( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setMilliseconds( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setMinutes( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setMonth( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setSeconds( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setTime( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setUTCDate( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setUTCFullYear( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setUTCHours( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setUTCMilliseconds( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setUTCMinutes( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setUTCMonth( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setUTCSeconds( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.setYear( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
datetime attribute: B. List of Attributes (Web Design in a Nutshell)
datetime attribute ( and ): The datetime attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
Date.toString( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.UTC( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Date.valueOf( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
days of the month
assigning: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
UTC time: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
retrieving: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
UTC time: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
days of the week
retrieving: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
UTC time: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
dbx 262 Stereo compressor: A.2.3.2. Budget option (Designing Web Audio)
DC offset: 6.3. Professional webcasting (Designing Web Audio)
DCR files: 9.3.1. Using Shockwave "internal" sounds: embedded cast members versus streamed SWA sounds (Designing Web Audio)
.dcr (Shockwave) files: and Shockwave (.dcr) (Web Design in a Nutshell) 24.5.8. Flash (.swf)
26.7.3. Creating Shockwave Movies (Web Design in a Nutshell)
<dd> tag: 7.5.3. The <dd> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
de-essing: Equalization (Designing Web Audio) Removing sibilance (Designing Web Audio)
dead space: 4.1.2. Avoiding gaps between edited sections (Designing Web Audio)
deallocating local variables: 2.5.8. Local Variables (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
debugger keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Debugger tool: 19.1.5. The Debugger (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
debugging: 19. Debugging (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
methodology: 19.2. Debugging Methodology (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
common sources of: 19.2.3. Common Sources of Bugs (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
fixing: 19.2.4. Fixing Bugs (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
identifying sources of: 19.2.2. Identifying the Source of a Bug (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
recognizing/reproducing: 19.2.1. Recognizing Bugs (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
tools: 19.1. Debugging Tools (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
decimal (base-10)
integers: 4.3.1. Integer Literals (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
converting numbers to: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
logarithm of e: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
decimal color representations: The web palette in numbers (Web Design in a Nutshell)
16.1.2. Converting Decimal to Hexadecimal (Web Design in a Nutshell)
decimal points in floating-point literals: 4.3.2. Floating-Point Literals (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
decimal values in percentage values: Percentage colors (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
decks/card metaphor in WML programming: 32.3.1. Document Structure (Web Design in a Nutshell)
declaration, function: 9.1. Creating Functions (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
declarations: 2.1.1. Rule Structure (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
2.1.3. Declarations (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
grouping: 2.2.2. Grouping Declarations (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
ignored: 2.1.3. Declarations (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
style sheet rules: 17.2.1. Rule Syntax (Web Design in a Nutshell)
XML: 30.3. XML Document Syntax (Web Design in a Nutshell)
declare attribute ( ): 12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Appendix B. List of Attributes (Web Design in a Nutshell) The declare attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
declaring variables: 2.1. Creating Variables (Declaration) (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
declaring XML entities and elements (see DTD for XML)
decoded strings, creating: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
decompressing JPEG images: 20.2.3. JPEG Decompression (Web Design in a Nutshell)
decompression: 5.1.1. Lossy compression (Designing Web Audio)
decorating text (see text decoration)
decrement ( ) operator: 5.3.4. Decrement (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
default keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
defer attribute: B. List of Attributes (Web Design in a Nutshell)
defer attribute ( ): The defer attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
defining instance ( ) tag: 10.1.2. Text Appearance (Inline Styles) (Web Design in a Nutshell)
10.3.1. Logical Styles (Web Design in a Nutshell)
defining the web site: 2.1. The Role of the Information Architect (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
definition list ( ) tag: 10.1.4. Lists (Web Design in a Nutshell)
10.6.3. Definition Lists (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Appendix A. HTML Elements (Web Design in a Nutshell)
definition lists: 2.9.1. Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
7.5. Definition Lists (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
custom list item markers: 17.3. Custom Bullets (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
using appropriately: 7.6. Appropriate List Usage (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
deflate compression scheme (PNG): 21.5. PNG Compression (Web Design in a Nutshell)
(deleted text) tag: 10.1.2. Text Appearance (Inline Styles) (Web Design in a Nutshell)
10.3.1. Logical Styles (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Appendix A. HTML Elements (Web Design in a Nutshell)
delay: 4. Optimizing Your Sound Files (Designing Web Audio)
4.2.2. Delay (Designing Web Audio)
document refresh: 13.2.2. The Refresh Header Contents (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
loading (see performance)
marquee movement: The scrollamount and scrolldelay attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
reverberation: 2.1.5. Reverberation and delay (Designing Web Audio)
delete operator: 5.11.4. The delete Operator (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
array elements, removing: 11.8.1. Removing Elements with the delete Operator (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
named array elements, removing: 11.6.2. Removing Named Elements (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
delete value for WML type attribute: 32.3.6. Programming Softkeys (Web Design in a Nutshell)
DELETEKEY property (Key object): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
in code: 14.1. Whitespace (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
in strings converted from arrays: Method (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) 11.9.4. The join( )
deprecated HTML tags: C. Deprecated Tags (Web Design in a Nutshell)
depth, hierarchy: Designing hierarchies (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
depth-swapping instances: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
descendants: 2.5. Structure (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
description value ( ): Meta tags for search engines (Web Design in a Nutshell)
design, site
conceptual (see conceptual design)
graphic (see graphic design and layout)
designers: Graphic design (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
2.3. Collaboration and Communication (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
2.3. Collaboration and Communication (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
(see also graphic design and layout)
designing in HTML (see writing HTML documents)
destination pages: Apples and apples: indexing similar content types (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
destructive editing: 4.2. Digital effects (Designing Web Audio)
communication between: 2.3. Collaboration and Communication (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
face-to-face meetings: 7.1.1. Face-to-Face Meetings (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
perspective of: 2.1.2. The Producer's Perspective (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
thinking like: 2.2.2. Thinking Like an Insider (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
wish lists of: 7.4.2. Wish Lists and Content Inventory Forms (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
developing web sites: 7. Research (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
7. Research (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
(see also developers)
blueprints: 8.4. High-Level Architecture Blueprints (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
9.1. Detailed Architecture Blueprints (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
9.5. Architecture Style Guides (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
conceptual design: 8. Conceptual Design (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
content/function requirements: 7.4. Identifying Content and Function Requirements (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
defining goals: 7.2. Defining Goals (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
design sketches: 8.6. Design Sketches (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
grouping (chunking) content: 7.5. Grouping Content (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
9.1. Detailed Architecture Blueprints (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
9.2. Content Mapping (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
initial phase of: 7.1. Getting Started (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
learning about audiences: 7.3. Learning About the Intended Audiences (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
page inventory: 9.3. Web Page Inventory (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
page mockups: 8.5. Architectural Page Mockups (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
scenarios: 8.3. Scenarios (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
site prototypes: 8.7. Web-Based Prototypes (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
style guides: 9.5. Architecture Style Guides (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
device fonts, used by text fields: 18.3.7. Embed Fonts (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
(defining instance) tag: 10.1.2. Text Appearance (Inline Styles) (Web Design in a Nutshell)
10.3.1. Logical Styles (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Appendix A. HTML Elements (Web Design in a Nutshell)
<dfn> tags: Content-based text styles (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
4.4.5. The <dfn> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
DHTML (Dynamic HTML): 29. Introduction to DHTML (Web Design in a Nutshell)
advantages/disadvantages of: 29.1.1. Advantages to Using DHTML (Web Design in a Nutshell)
browser detection and: 29.6. Browser Detection (Web Design in a Nutshell)
DOM (Document Object Model) and: 29.3. The Document Object Model (Web Design in a Nutshell)
drop-down menus and: 29.5.2. Drop-Down Menus (Web Design in a Nutshell)
layers, creating: 29.4. Creating Layers (Web Design in a Nutshell)
in 4.0 browsers: 29.6.1. Layers in the 4.0 Browsers (Web Design in a Nutshell)
sliding tabs, creating: 29.5.3. Sliding Tabs (Web Design in a Nutshell)
tools: 29.7. DHTML Tools (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Diamond Multimedia: 8.7.1. Is MP3 legal? (Designing Web Audio)
8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
diatonic scale: 4.2.4. Bender (Designing Web Audio)
DigArtz, MIDI files created by: 10.2.2. Add a bit of spice to your site (Designing Web Audio)
Digidesign: Tools for both Mac and Windows systems (Web Design in a Nutshell)
digital audio: 2.2. Digital audio demystified (Designing Web Audio)
encoding standards: 2.2. Digital audio demystified (Designing Web Audio)
digital audio software, shareware: A.4.1. Digital audio software (Designing Web Audio)
digital audio workstations: A.2.4. Digital audio workstation/recording editing software (Designing Web Audio)
digital distortion: 4.3.1. Normalization: maximizing the dynamic range (Designing Web Audio)
digital effects: 4. Optimizing Your Sound Files (Designing Web Audio)
4.2. Digital effects (Designing Web Audio)
backwards: 4.2.5. Backwards (Designing Web Audio)
bender: 4.2.4. Bender (Designing Web Audio)
delay: 4.2.2. Delay (Designing Web Audio)
pitch shift: 4.2.3. Pitch shift (Designing Web Audio)
reverberation: 4.2.1. Reverb (Designing Web Audio)
Digital Frontiers
HVS ColorGIF: 19.5. Tools Overview (Web Design in a Nutshell)
HVS JPEG 2.1 plug-in: 20.5. Creating JPEGs (Web Design in a Nutshell)
digital mixers: A.2.8. Digital mixers (Designing Web Audio)
Appendix A.2.8. Digital mixers (Designing Web Audio)
(see also mixers)
Digital Performer (MOTU): Mac audio tools (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Digital Signal Processor (see DSP)
digital software plug-ins: A.3.5. Audio plug-ins and utilities (Designing Web Audio)
Digital Unix v3.2: RealServer system requirements (Designing Web Audio)
digital video (see video)
digitized waveforms: 2.2. Digital audio demystified (Designing Web Audio)
dir attribute: 7.2.2. Directionality (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Appendix A. HTML Elements (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Appendix B. List of Attributes (Web Design in a Nutshell)
form controls: 9.9.3. The style, class, lang, and dir Attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
overriding with: 3.10. The <bdo> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
table tags: The dir and lang attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
Direct X plug-in (AnalogX), correcting DC offset: 6.3. Professional webcasting (Designing Web Audio)
direction attribute ( ): 12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags (Web Design in a Nutshell) The behavior, direction, and loop attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
direction property in CSS2 for multilingualism: 7.3. Style Sheets Language Features (Web Design in a Nutshell)
directionality, microphones: Directionality and pick-up patterns (Designing Web Audio)
directionality of character encodings: 7.2.2. Directionality (Web Design in a Nutshell)
DirectMusic: 10.3. Creating your own MIDI files (Designing Web Audio)
Director: 9.3. Introduction to Shockwave (Designing Web Audio)
11.4.4. Making a custom instrument from your imported samples (Designing Web Audio)
compression: 9.3.1. Using Shockwave "internal" sounds: embedded cast members versus streamed SWA sounds (Designing Web Audio)
cue points: 9.3.1. Using Shockwave "internal" sounds: embedded cast members versus streamed SWA sounds (Designing Web Audio)
embedded audio: 9.3.1. Using Shockwave "internal" sounds: embedded cast members versus streamed SWA sounds (Designing Web Audio)
streaming audio: 9.3.3. Shockwave streaming audio (Designing Web Audio)
Director, communicating with: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Director (Macromedia): 22.1.1. Tools with Built-in Web Palettes (Web Design in a Nutshell)
26.7. Shockwave for Director (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Director Shockwave: 5.2. Streaming media formats (Designing Web Audio)
5.2.4. Flash and Director Shockwave (Designing Web Audio)
9.2. Introduction to Flash (Designing Web Audio)
capbilities overview: B.7. Director Shockwave (Designing Web Audio)
directory lists: 7.7. Directory Lists (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
directory structure in Unix: 4.2. Unix Directory Structures (Web Design in a Nutshell)
root directory: Root directory (Web Design in a Nutshell)
4.2. Unix Directory Structures (Web Design in a Nutshell)
disabled attribute: 15.5. New Form Attributes in HTML 4.01 (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Appendix B. List of Attributes (Web Design in a Nutshell)
disabled attribute (form controls): 9.9.6. The disabled and readonly Attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
disc attribute: Changing the bullet shape (Web Design in a Nutshell)
disc bullets: The type attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
disk optimization: 3.1.2. Microphone pre-amps (Designing Web Audio)
disk space: 6.2.3. HTTP streaming tutorial (Designing Web Audio)
display (CSS2 value): 17.7.6. New Values for Existing Properties (Web Design in a Nutshell)
display driver, setting on Windows systems: Working with absolute lengths (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
display property: 2.9. Classification of Elements (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide) The display property (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
additions/changes with CSS2: 10.1.1. Additions and Changes to the display Property (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
markers (bullets): 10.4.2. Markers (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
table-related values: 10.7. Tables (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
display property (CSS): 17.5.4. Classification Properties (Web Design in a Nutshell)
displaying XML documents: 15.1.1. Creation Versus Display (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
displays, designing for: 2. Designing for a Variety of Displays (Web Design in a Nutshell)
color capabilities: 2.4. Monitor Color Issues (Web Design in a Nutshell)
monitor resolution: 2.1. Dealing with Unknown Monitor Resolutions (Web Design in a Nutshell)
displays, form contents and: 9.11.2. Handling Limited Displays (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
disposal methods (animation): 23.5.3. Disposal Methods (Web Design in a Nutshell)
distance (see length units)
analog versus digital: 3.2. Recording techniques (Designing Web Audio)
4.3.1. Normalization: maximizing the dynamic range (Designing Web Audio)
harmonic: 6.3. Professional webcasting (Designing Web Audio)
dithering: 2.4. Monitor Color Issues (Web Design in a Nutshell) Shifting and dithering (Web Design in a Nutshell) Limit dithering (Web Design in a Nutshell)
color names and: 16.2.2. Color Name Cautions (Web Design in a Nutshell)
GIF animation: 23.5.5. Other Options (Web Design in a Nutshell)
DIV element
creating columns: 11.1.3. Case 3: Putting a Magazine Article Online (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
wrapping images: Aligning text (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
<div> (division) tag: Divisions, paragraphs, and line breaks (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
10.1.1. Paragraphs and Headings (Block-Level Elements) (Web Design in a Nutshell)
10.4. <div> and <span> (Web Design in a Nutshell) <div> and <span> (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Appendix A. HTML Elements (Web Design in a Nutshell)
align attribute and: The align attribute (Web Design in a Nutshell)
paragraphs and line breaks, using for: 10.2.1. Paragraphs and Line Breaks (Web Design in a Nutshell)
division assignment (/=) operator: 5.1.3. Operator Precedence (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
division operator (/): 4.4.1. Using Operators (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
5.3.6. Division (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
(definition list) tag: 10.1.4. Lists (Web Design in a Nutshell)
10.6.3. Definition Lists (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Appendix A. HTML Elements (Web Design in a Nutshell)
DLS (downloadable sounds): 10.1.1. Advantages to using the MIDI format (Designing Web Audio)
10.3. Creating your own MIDI files (Designing Web Audio) Adding notes without using a keyboard (Designing Web Audio)
element, programming softkeys: 32.3.6. Programming Softkeys (Web Design in a Nutshell)
32.4. WML Elements and Attributes (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Do Not Dispose method: 23.5.3. Disposal Methods (Web Design in a Nutshell)
do-while loop: 6.3. The ActionScript Statements (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
8.3. The do-while Loop (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
DocBook: 30.5.2. Other XML Applications (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Doctor HTML: 8.5. Tips on Good HTML Style (Web Design in a Nutshell)
command: 3.6. HTML Document Elements (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
DOCTYPE declarations: 9.2.1. The Document Type Declaration (Web Design in a Nutshell)
SMIL and: 27.4.2. Document Structure (Web Design in a Nutshell)
XML and: 30.3. XML Document Syntax (Web Design in a Nutshell)
DOCTYPE tag: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
docTypeDecl property (XML class): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
document automation: 6.8. Supporting Document Automation (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
document-level styles: 8.1.2. Document-Level Style Sheets (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) External, document-level, and inline JSS (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
advantages and disadvantages of using: The pros and cons of document-level styles (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
document levels: Accessing variables on different document levels (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
attaching external variables to: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
deleting movies from: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
_leveln global property: 13.4.3. The .swf Document "_level" Stack (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) Referencing other documents in the Player using _leveln (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
loading SWF files
via loadMovie( ): 13.4.3. The .swf Document "_level" Stack (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) Referencing other documents in the Player using _leveln (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
via loadMovieNum( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
printing frames
as bitmaps: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
using vectors: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
removing using unloadMovie( ): with Instances and Levels (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) 13.6.1. Using unloadMovie( )
DOCUMENT_NAME variable: 18.7. Include Variables (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Document Object Model (see DOM)
document pathnames: The http path (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
document-related events: Document events (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
document style sheets: 1.4.2. The STYLE Element (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
document type declarations: 9.2.1. The Document Type Declaration (Web Design in a Nutshell)
document type definition (DTD): 2.9. Classification of Elements (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
DOCUMENT_URI environment variable: 18.7. Include Variables (Web Design in a Nutshell)
for form elements: 9.11.1. Browser Constraints (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
tags for: 6.8.1. The <meta> Header Element (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
document.body DOM object: 29.3. The Document Object Model (Web Design in a Nutshell)
document.forms[ ] DOM object: 29.3. The Document Object Model (Web Design in a Nutshell)
DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE (XML node type): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
document.getElementById( ) function: 29.5.2. Drop-Down Menus (Web Design in a Nutshell)
document.images[ ] DOM object: 29.3. The Document Object Model (Web Design in a Nutshell)
document.links[ ] DOM object: 29.3. The Document Object Model (Web Design in a Nutshell)
DOCUMENT_NODE (XML node type): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
embedding: 5.6.1. Embedded Versus Referenced Content (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
5.6.4. Embedding Other Document Types (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
exchanging with XML applications: 15.8.2. Document Exchange (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
HTML (see HTML documents)
as layers: The src attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
XHTML (see XHTML documents)
documents, web (see web pages)
DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE (XML node type): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
does-not-equal (!=) operator (Flash 5): operators (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) Using the equality (==) and inequality (!=)
5.4.4. The Inequality Operator (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
does-not-equal (ne) operator (Flash 4): 3.4.4. Flash 4-to-Flash 5 Datatype Conversion (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
4.6.11. Flash 4 Versus Flash 5 String Operators and Functions (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Dolby compression: 6.1.1. RealEncoder and RealPublisher (Designing Web Audio)
Dolby Digital AC-3: 8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
DolbyNet Codec: 6.3.1. Selecting the right RealAudio codecs (Designing Web Audio)
DOM (Document Object Model): 29.3. The Document Object Model (Web Design in a Nutshell)
domains: 1.2. Talking the Internet Talk (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
2.7.1. URLs (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
dot (.) operator: 5.11.6. The dot Operator (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
accessing movie clip properties: 13.1. The "Objectness" of Movie Clips (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
accessing object properties: 12.3.1. Referring to Properties (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
traversing clip instance hierarchy: 13.5.3. Referring to Nested Instances (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
dot syntax
absolute paths of clips: function (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) The targetPath( )
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
accessing variables: 2.5.6. Accessing Variables on Different Timelines (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
controlling movie clips: C.2. Controlling Movie Clips (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
scope chain and: 9.7.1. The Scope Chain (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
dots-per-inch (dpi) environment: 5.3.5. Using Length Units (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
dotted borders: The border-style property (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
double keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
double posting: 4.6.2. The Index (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
double-precision floating-point numbers: Floating-point precision (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
double quotation marks ( ): 1.4.6. Inline Styles (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
curly, in generated content: 10.4. Generated Content (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
in font-family declarations: 5.1.3. Using Quotation Marks (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
double quotation marks ("), XHTML attribute values: 16.3.5. Quoted Attribute Values (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
double quotes ("") in strings: 4.5.2. String Literals (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
DOWN property (Key object): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
downloading delay (see performance)
downloading images (see images)
dpi (dots-per-inch) environment: 5.3.5. Using Length Units (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
dpi (dots per inch), measuring resolution: 3.4.2. Image Resolution (Web Design in a Nutshell)
drag-and-drop interfaces, creating: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
dragging movie clips: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
ending the drag operation: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
dragOut button event: 10.8.6. dragOut (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
dragOver button event: 10.8.7. dragOver (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Dreamweaver: 5.2.5. Beatnik's Rich Music Format (RMF) (Designing Web Audio)
7. Designing Multimedia Presentations with SMIL and RealSystem G2 (Designing Web Audio)
11.1. New possibilities for interactive sound (Designing Web Audio)
11.4.4. Making a custom instrument from your imported samples (Designing Web Audio)
1.3.5. Take Advantage of Tools (Web Design in a Nutshell)
4.4. Uploading Documents (FTP) (Web Design in a Nutshell) Some available web authoring tools (Web Design in a Nutshell)
drop cap: 11.1.3. Case 3: Putting a Magazine Article Online (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
with or without :first-letter pseudo-element: 11.2.9. Drop Caps With and Without :first-letter (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
drop-down menus: 29.5.2. Drop-Down Menus (Web Design in a Nutshell)
drop shadow: 10.3.2. text-shadow (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
_droptarget property (MovieClip class): 13.7. Built-in Movie Clip Properties (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
drums: 10.3. Creating your own MIDI files (Designing Web Audio) Creating your own MIDI file (Designing Web Audio)
dry signals, capturing: Proper room acoustics: capturing a "dry" signal (Designing Web Audio)
dry sounds: 2.1.5. Reverberation and delay (Designing Web Audio)
DSP (Digital Signal Processor): 10.1.1. Advantages to using the MIDI format (Designing Web Audio)
DSP/Effects plug-ins: 8.3.5. Plug-ins (Designing Web Audio)
<dt> tags: 7.5.2. The <dt> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
DTD (document type definition): 2.9. Classification of Elements (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
DTD for HTML: 3.6. HTML Document Elements (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
creating: 16.2.2. Understanding Namespaces (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
declaring: 16.2.1. Declaring Document Types (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
DTD for XML: 15.2. Documents and DTDs (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
16.1.1. XHTML Document Type Definitions (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
comments: 15.3. Understanding XML DTDs (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
syntax for: 15.3.1. Comments (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
conditional sections: 15.6. Conditional Sections (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
creating (example): 15.7. Building an XML DTD (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
elements: 15.3. Understanding XML DTDs (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
declaration of: 15.3.4. Elements (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
grammar of: 15.4. Element Grammar (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
entities: 15.3. Understanding XML DTDs (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
15.3.2. Entities (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
declaration of: 15.3.3. Entity Declarations (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
duplicateMovieClip( )
global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
target parameter and: Method versus global function overlap issues (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
MovieClip class: 13.8.3. Built-in Movie Clip Methods (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
adding generated clips to stack: are added to the stack (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) How clips generated via duplicateMovieClip( )
copying clip event handlers: 10.13. Copying Clip Event Handlers (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
creating instances: Creating instances with duplicateMovieClip( ) (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
load movie clip event and: 10.10.2. load (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
seed clips and: 13.2.7. Seed Clips (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
dur (duration) attribute: Time control attributes (Web Design in a Nutshell)
DVD: Selecting tracks (Designing Web Audio)
dynamic content (see SSI)
navigation bars and: 4.5.1. Navigation Bars (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
preparing for: 2.1. The Role of the Information Architect (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
search engines for: 6.1.2. When To Make Your Site Searchable (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
dynamic datatyping for variables: 2.4.1. Automatic Typing (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
dynamic documents: 13. Dynamic Documents (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
client-pull: 13.2. Client-Pull Documents (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
server-push: 13.3. Server -Push Documents (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
Dynamic Fonts (TrueDoc): TrueDoc Technology ("Dynamic Fonts") (Web Design in a Nutshell)
dynamic functions: 9.5. Function Literals (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
clip event handlers and: 10.16. Dynamic Movie Clip Event Handlers (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Dynamic HTML (see DHTML)
dynamic microphones: Dynamic microphones (Designing Web Audio)
pro and budget options: A.2.1.2. Budget option (Designing Web Audio)
dynamic range: 2.1.1. Loudness (Designing Web Audio)
4.3.1. Normalization: maximizing the dynamic range (Designing Web Audio)
definition of: 12. Glossary (Designing Web Audio)
dynamically-named variables: Creating dynamically named variables (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
dynsrc attribute ( ): 12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags (Web Design in a Nutshell)
25.5.4. The dynsrc Attribute (Web Design in a Nutshell) The dynsrc attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)

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