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HTML Information Architecture for the World Wide Webamp; XHTML: The Definitive GuideSearch this book

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Index: H

handheld value (style media): The media attribute
hanging indents: The text-indent property
head document relationship: The rel and rev attributes
head of HTML documents: 2.4. HTML Skeleton
3.2. Structure of an HTML Document
3.6.1. The <html> Tag
3.7.1. The <head> Tag
<head> tags: 3.6.1. The <html> Tag
3.7.1. The <head> Tag
rules with: 5.1.3. Using Rules in Headers and Footers
table: 2.10. Tables
10.3.2. The <thead> Tag
vertical spacers with: Creating vertical space
headers attribute ( and ): The headers and scope attributes
headings: Headings
4.2. Headings
images in: 4.2.6. Adding Images to Headings
side heads (tables): 17.4.2. Side Heads
straddle heads (tables): Straddle heads
text size and: 4.2.3. Using Headings for Smaller Text
height attribute: The height and width attributes
height property: The height property
helper applications: 1.2.2. The Flow of Information
2.7.4. Anchors Beyond
hexadecimal RGB triples (see colors)
hidden attribute (): The hidden attribute
hidden form fields: 9.5.5. Hidden Fields
hidden text entry fields: Masked text controls
hide value (layer visibility): The visibility attribute
home pages: 1.2.2. The Flow of Information
2.7.3. Hyperlink Names and Navigation The http path
horizontal: Creating horizontal space
(see also width attribute)
alignment (see alignment)
margins (see margins)
rules: Horizontal rules
5.1. Horizontal Rules
alignment: The align attribute
colors: The color attribute
combining attributes: Combining rule attributes
flat, 2D: The noshade attribute
in headers and footers: 5.1.3. Using Rules in Headers and Footers
as section dividiers: 5.1.2. Using Rules to Divide Your Document
size attribute: The size attribute
universal attributes for: The class, dir, event, id, lang, style, and title attributes
width: The width attribute
whitespace: Creating horizontal space
hot keys for hyperlinks: The accesskey and tabindex attributes
hover pseudo-class: Interaction pseudo-classes
href attribute: The href attribute
6.5.1. Server-Side Image Maps The href attribute The href attribute The href attribute
hreflang attribute (): The charset, hreflang, and type attributes
hspace attribute: The hspace and vspace attributes The hspace and vspace attributes The align, border, height, width, hspace, and vspace attributes
HTML: 1.3. HTML: What It Is
creation of: 1.1.2. HTML and the World Wide Web
documents in (see HTML documents)
DTD (Document Type Definition): 3.6. HTML Document Elements
extensions to: 1.3.1. HTML Standards and Extensions
1.6. Nonstandard Extensions
limitations of: 16.1. Why XHTML?
object model: 12.1.1. The Object Model
standardizing with XML (see XHTML)
styles (see styles)
tags (see HTML tags)
text editors for: Word processor or WYSIWYG editor?
2.1. Writing Tools
tips and tricks: 17. Tips, Tricks, and Hacks
version 4.0: 0.4. Is HTML Going Away?
1.3.1. HTML Standards and Extensions
XHTML vs.: 16.3. HTML Versus XHTML
HTML attributes (see HTML tags)
HTML documents: 1.2.1. Clients, Servers, and Browsers
(see also web browsers)
boilerplates: 17.1.2. Boilerplate Documents
colors in (see colors)
columns (see columns)
content, types of: 2.5. The Flesh on an HTML or XHTML Document
content vs. appearance: 1.5. HTML and XHTML: What They Aren't
converting to XHMTL: 16.4.2. Automatic Conversion
designing for your audience: 17.1.1. Design for Your Audience
document automation: 6.8. Supporting Document Automation
document-level styles: 8.1.2. Document-Level Style Sheets The pros and cons of document-level styles
document-related events: Document events
dynamic: 13. Dynamic Documents
editorial markup tags: 3.9. Editorial Markup
executable content: 12. Executable Content
forms (see forms)
frames (see frames)
headings in (see headings)
home pages: 1.2.2. The Flow of Information
2.7.3. Hyperlink Names and Navigation The http path
images in (see images)
layout (see page layout)
linking to (see hyperlinks)
margins for body content: The leftmargin attribute
myfirst.html (example): 2.2. A First HTML Document
pathnames: The http path
refreshing automatically: 13.2.1. Uniquely Refreshing
relationships between: 6.7. Relationships
searchable: 2.9.2. Searchable Documents
6.6. Creating Searchable Documents
sectioning: 4.1. Divisions and Paragraphs
5.1.2. Using Rules to Divide Your Document
structure of: 2.4. HTML Skeleton
3. Anatomy of an HTML Document
3.7. The Document Header
style sheets (see styles)
styles (see styles)
tables (see tables)
tables of contents: 6.3.3. Linking Within a Document
titles of: 2.4. HTML Skeleton
3.7.2. The <title> Tag
4.2.2. Appropriate Use of Headings
whitespace in (see whitespace)
HTML tags: 2.3. Embedded Tags
2.4. HTML Skeleton
3.3. Tags and Attributes
3.3.1. The Syntax of a Tag
(see also under specific attribute and tag names)
action buttons: 9.5.4. Action Buttons
attributes for: 3.3.1. The Syntax of a Tag
value-less, XHTML values for: 16.3.6. Explicit Attribute Values
bug with: 1.6.3. Beyond Extensions: Exploiting Bugs
checkboxes (type=checkbox): 9.5.2. Checkboxes
color extensions: 5.3. Document Colors and Background Images
comments in: 8.1.7. Style Comments
content-based style: Content-based text styles
3.5. Document Content
4.3.1. Content-Based Styles
4.4. Content-Based Style Tags
empty, in XHTML format: 16.3.3. Handling Empty Elements
file-selection (type=file): File-selection controls
filenames, use with: 7.7.1. The <dir> Tag (Deprecated)
font handling: 4.6. HTML's Expanded Font Handling
for editorial markup: 3.9. Editorial Markup
hidden fields (type=hidden): 9.5.5. Hidden Fields
hyperlink states: Hyperlink pseudo-classes
@import command: Imported external style sheets
linking external documents: 5.6.1. Embedded Versus Referenced Content
masked text entry (type=password): Masked text controls
nesting: 3.3.4. Proper and Improper Nesting
omitting: 3.3.6. Omitting Tags
physical style: 4.3.2. Physical Styles
4.5. Physical Style Tags
radio buttons (type=radio): 9.5.3. Radio Buttons
starting and ending tags: 2.3.1. Start and End Tags
3.3.3. Starting and Ending Tags
16.3.3. Handling Empty Elements
styles for (see styles)
tags vs.: 4.4.6. The <em> Tag
tag-less styles (): 8.5. Tag-less Styles: The <span> Tag
text entry (type=text): Conventional text fields
http-equiv attribute (): The http-equiv attribute
13.2.1. Uniquely Refreshing
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): 1.2.2. The Flow of Information
Redirect header: 13.2.4. Combining Refresh with Other HTTP Header Fields
Refresh header: 13.2.1. Uniquely Refreshing
http servers: The http server
http URLs: 6.2.2. The http URL
hyperlinks: 1.1.2. HTML and the World Wide Web
2.7. Hyperlinks
2.7.2. Anchors
6.1. Hypertext Basics
clickable image maps: 2.8.2. Image Maps The ismap and usemap attributes
6.5. Mouse-Sensitive Images
tag: 2.8.2. Image Maps The ismap and usemap attributes
6.5.4. The <area> Tag
tags: 2.8.2. Image Maps The ismap and usemap attributes
6.5.3. The <map> Tag
web browsers and: 6.5.6. Handling Other Browsers
colors for: The link, vlink, and alink attributes
effective use of: 6.4. Creating Effective Links
embedded guides: 17.4.4. Embedded Guides
to external content: 5.6.3. Appropriate Linking Styles
images and: 6.4.4. Using Images and Links
linking within documents: 6.3.3. Linking Within a Document
navigating with Tab and hot keys: The accesskey and tabindex attributes
relationships between: The rel and rev attributes
states of: Hyperlink pseudo-classes
targets for: The target attribute The target attribute
9.2.5. The target Attribute
11.7. Named Frame or Window Targets
image maps and: The target attribute
Hypertext Markup Language (see HTML)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (see HTTP)

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