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Index: I

<i> (italic) tag: 10.1.2. Text Appearance (Inline Styles)
10.3.2. Physical Styles
id attribute: 10.4. <div> and <span>
31.4.9. id and name Attributes
naming a fragment: 11.3.1. Naming a fragment
IE (see Microsoft Internet Explorer)
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force): 1.6. The Importance of Standards
if statement (XSSI): 18.5.1. Flow Control Elements
<iframe> tag:14.1. Summary of Frame Tags
IIS (Internet Information Server): 4.1.1. Popular Server Software Some available web authoring tools
Illustrator (Adobe): 22.1.1. Tools with Built-in Web Palettes
image buttons on forms: Image button (type=image)
image resolution: 3.4.2. Image Resolution
image rollovers: 28.3.4. Image Rollovers
imagemaps: 11.1. Summary of Tags Related to Linking
11.6. Imagemaps
12.2.1. Inline Graphic Uses
multipart images in tables: 13.8. Multipart Images in Tables
server-side: 11.6.3. Server-Side Imagemaps
text alternatives for: 6.1.3. The Techniques Providing complete alternative text
ImageReady (Adobe): Adobe ImageReady
19.5. Tools Overview
23.4.1. Applications That Include GIF Animation Tools
Gamma Simulator: Gamma
JPEG images, creating: 20.5. Creating JPEGs
palettes: 22.1.1. Tools with Built-in Web Palettes
22.2. Converting to the Web Palette
web colors and: Adobe ImageReady (Photoshop 5.5 and higher)
images (see graphics)
<img> (image) tag: 8.2.2. Empty ("Standalone") Tags
12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags
12.3. The <img> Tag and Its Attributes
inline video with: 25.5.4. The dynsrc Attribute
imgOn( ) JavaScript function: Simple rollovers
iMode (wireless communication system): 32.1.1. The Wireless Environment
@import function: External style sheets
@import rule: 5.3.2. Connecting the Style Sheets and HTML @import rule
importing style sheets: External style sheets
i18n (see internationalization)
inches, irrelevance of in web design: Good-bye inches, hello pixels
include command (SSI): 18.3.1. Example: Virtual Includes
18.6. SSI Commands
for lists: 17.5.4. Classification Properties
for paragraphs: 17.5.1. Type-Related Properties
indents (text): 10.7.5. Creating Indents with HTML
Indeo codec (Intel): 25.2.3. Video Codecs
index files (servers): Index files
4.2. Unix Directory Structures
indexed color: 19.2. 8-Bit Indexed Color
21.4.1. 8-Bit Palette Images
transparency and: 19.7. Transparency
inheritance, style sheet: 17.2.3. Inheritance
inline (floating) frames: 14.6. Inline (Floating) Frames
Navigator imitation of: 14.7.5. Faking an <iframe>
inline quotation tag: 10.1.2. Text Appearance (Inline Styles)
10.3.1. Logical Styles
inline type styles: 10.3. Inline Type Styles Inline styles
inline video: 25.5.4. The dynsrc Attribute
<input> tag
type=button: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags
type=checkbox: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags Checkbox (type=checkbox)
type=file: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags File selection (type=file)
type=hidden: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags Hidden entry (type=hidden)
type=image: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags Image button (type=image)
type=password: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags Password text entry (type=password)
type=radio: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags Radio button (type=radio)
type=reset: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags Submit and reset buttons (type=submit; type=reset)
type=submit: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags Submit and reset buttons (type=submit; type=reset)
type=text: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags Text entry (type=text)
<ins> (inserted text) tag: 10.1.2. Text Appearance (Inline Styles)
10.3.1. Logical Styles
Intel Indeo codec: 25.2.3. Video Codecs
Flash content (Macromedia): 26. Flash and Shockwave
Java applets for: 12.6. Java Applets
JavaScript-enabled buttons: Rollover buttons
Shockwave movies: 26.7. Shockwave for Director
interframe, delay (animation): 23.5.1. Frame Delay
interlacing: 19.6. Interlacing
21.6.1. Interlacing (Progressive Display)
GIF animation: 23.5.5. Other Options
internationalization: 7. Internationalization
character sets: 7.1. Character Sets
HTML 4.0 language tags: 7.2. HTML 4.01 Language Features
specifying character encoding: 7.1.3. Specifying Character Encoding
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF): 1.6. The Importance of Standards
Internet Explorer (see Microsoft Internet Explorer)
Internet Information Server (IIS): 4.1.1. Popular Server Software Some available web authoring tools
Internet Media Type format: 15.3.3. Encoding
intraframe (spatial) compression: 25.2.2. Spatial Versus Temporal Compression
intranets: 17.1.3. Strategies for Using Style Sheets Today
<isindex> tag: Other header elements
ismap attribute (): 11.6.3. Server-Side Imagemaps
12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags
12.2.1. Inline Graphic Uses
italic font style: 17.5.1. Type-Related Properties
italic tag: 10.1.2. Text Appearance (Inline Styles)

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