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Index: Q

<q> (inline quotation) tag: 10.1.2. Text Appearance (Inline Styles)
10.3.1. Logical Styles
Q setting (JPEG images): 20.2.2. Variable Compression Levels
quality attribute: The <embed> tag
QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED environment variable: 18.7. Include Variables
QuickTime (Apple): 24.4. Streaming Audio
24.5.3. Apple QuickTime Audio (.mov)
25.3.1. QuickTime Movie (.mov)
Flash and: 26.5.1. Flash and QuickTime
SMIL and: 27.2. SMIL Players
Sorenson codec: 25.2.3. Video Codecs
quotation tag (see tag)
quotes property in CSS2 for multilingualism: 7.3. Style Sheets Language Features

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