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Index: L

Lab colors: RGB color
label attribute: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags
<label> tag:15.1. Summary of Form Tags
lang attribute: 7.2.1. The lang Attribute
language tags (HTML 4.0): 7.2. HTML 4.01 Language Features
LAST_MODIFIED environment variable: 18.7. Include Variables
in DHTML: 29.4. Creating Layers
for 4.0 browsers: 29.6.1. Layers in the 4.0 Browsers
in Flash: 26.3.2. Flash Interface Basics
element (SMIL): 27.4.2. Document Structure
27.4.2. Document Structure Time containers Time containers Time containers
layout techniques with HTML: 10.7. Text Layout Techniques with HTML
Leave As Is disposal method: 23.5.3. Disposal Methods
left alignment (text): 10.7.4. Right and Left Alignment
left property (CSS): 17.6.1. The position Property
left-to-right directionality: 7.2.2. Directionality
left value
align attribute: 12.3.5. Horizontal Alignment
clear attribute: Stopping text wrap
leftmargin attribute: 9.1. Summary of Structural Tags
9.3.3. Adjusting Browser Margins
<legend> tag:15.1. Summary of Form Tags
Lempel-Zev-Welch (LZW)
compression: 19.3. GIF Compression
interframe optimization: 23.6.2. Optimizing Methods
length (see size)
letter-spacing property (CSS): 17.5.1. Type-Related Properties
lettering (see text)
<li> (list) tag: 10.1.4. Lists
unordered lists and: 10.6.1. Unordered (Bulleted) Lists
library in Flash: 26.3.2. Flash Interface Basics
line breaks
handling: 10.2.1. Paragraphs and Line Breaks
17.6.4. Overflow
preventing: 10.7.2. Preventing Line Breaks
line-height property (CSS): 17.5.1. Type-Related Properties
lines of text (see text)
Lingo language, Shockwave and: 26.7.1. Advantages
<link> tag: Other header elements
link attribute: 9.1. Summary of Structural Tags
9.3.1. Colors
11.4.1. Setting Colors in <body>
link pseudo-class: Pseudo-classes
links: 11. Creating Links
anchors and hyperlinks: 11.1. Summary of Tags Related to Linking
audio files: 24.7.1. A Simple Link Linking to RealMedia (external player)
linking document fragments: 11.3. Linking Within a Document
colors for hyperlinks: 9.3.1. Colors
11.4. Affecting the Appearance of Links
controlling status bar text: 11.4.5. Changing Status Bar Text with JavaScript
to external style sheets: External style sheets
hyperlinked graphics: 11.2. Simple Hypertext Links
12.3.1. Linked Graphics
captions: 6.1.3. The Techniques
imagemaps: 11.6. Imagemaps
client-side: 11.1. Summary of Tags Related to Linking
12.2.1. Inline Graphic Uses
multipart images in tables: 13.8. Multipart Images in Tables
text alternatives: 6.1.3. The Techniques Providing complete alternative text
JavaScript rollovers: Rollover buttons
mailto: 11.7.1. Mail Link (mailto:)
miscellanous: 11.7.3. Other Links
targeting frames: 14.5. Targeting Frames
multiple from one link: 14.7.4. Loading Two Frames from One Link
targeting other windows: 11.5. Targeting Windows
video files and: 25.5.1. A Simple Link
WML: 32.3.3. Adding Links
Liquid Music System (LiquidAudio): 24.5.7. Liquid Audio
list numbering (automatic) in CSS2 for multilingualism: 7.3. Style Sheets Language Features
list-style-image property (CSS): 17.5.4. Classification Properties
list-style-position property (CSS): 17.5.4. Classification Properties
list-style property (CSS): 17.5.4. Classification Properties
list-style-type (CSS2 value): 17.7.6. New Values for Existing Properties
multilingualism: 7.3. Style Sheets Language Features
list-style-type property (CSS): 17.5.4. Classification Properties
lists: 10.1.4. Lists
10.6. Lists
bullets: Changing the bullet shape
definition: 10.6.3. Definition Lists
menus (see menus in forms)
nesting: 10.6.4. Nesting Lists
style sheet properties for: 17.5.4. Classification Properties
unordered: 10.6.1. Unordered (Bulleted) Lists
"live space" in browsers: 2.1.2. "Live" Space in the Browser Window
LiveAudio plug-in: 24.4. Streaming Audio
logical inline type style: 10.3. Inline Type Styles
longdesc attribute
6.2.1. HTML 4.01 Features
12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags
14.1. Summary of Frame Tags
14.1. Summary of Frame Tags
loop attribute
12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags
12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags Browser <embed> attributes
25.5.4. The dynsrc Attribute The <embed> tag
looping animation: 23.3. Browser Support
23.5.5. Other Options
lossless compression: 19.3. GIF Compression Weighted lossiness
21.5. PNG Compression
25.2.1. Lossless Versus Lossy Compression
GIFs: Lossy GIFs
lossy compression: 20.2. JPEG Compression
25.2.1. Lossless Versus Lossy Compression
lowest common denominator design: 1.3.1. Lowest Common Denominator Design
lowsrc attribute: 12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags The lowsrc trick
ltr value (dir attribute): 7.2.2. Directionality
Lynx browser: Lynx
LZW (Lempel-Zev-Welch)
compression: 19.3. GIF Compression
interframe optimization: 23.6.2. Optimizing Methods

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