Index: Y - e-Reading Library
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Index: Y
- yellow pages: 0. Preface
- ypbind: 3.4. Trace of a key match
- ypbind daemon: 3.3.10. The ypbind daemon
- requests, server usage and: 4.1.3. Number of NIS servers per domain
- ypcat utility
- command line: 4.3.1. Removing an NIS slave server
- nicknames and: 3.3. Files managed under NIS
- ypinit utility: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
- maps and: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
- master server creation: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
- domain name server names: 5.2.2. Run NIS on client, enable DNS on NIS server
- ypmatch command: 13.4.1. Key lookup
- ypmatch utility
- map nicknames: 3.3.7. Map structure
- nicknames and: 3.3. Files managed under NIS
- yppasswd utility: 4.2.4. Password file updates
- change requests: 4.2.4. Password file updates
- yppasswdd daemon: 4.2.4. Password file updates
- yppush utility, rebuilding maps: 4.2.1. Map distribution
- ypserv daemon
- debugging and: 15. Debugging Network Problems
- starting: 3.2. Basics of NIS management
- ypserve daemon: 3.3.9. The ypserv daemon
- starting: 3.2.3. Installing NIS slave servers
- ypservers map: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
- slave server, removing: 4.3.1. Removing an NIS slave server
- ypset, debugging and: 15. Debugging Network Problems
- ypstop utility: 3.2.3. Installing NIS slave servers
- ypwhich command: 13.4.2. Displaying and analyzing client bindings
- ypwhich utility, map nicknames: 3.3.7. Map structure
- ypxfr utility: 4.2.2. Regular map transfers
- ypxfrd utility: 4.2.1. Map distribution
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