Index: S - e-Reading Library
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Index: S
- Samba, PC/NFS and: 10.2.1. NFS versus SMB (CIFS)
- SATAN, diagnostics and: 14.4.5. SATAN
- saturation, network collisions: 17.1.2. Collisions and network saturation
- map files: 4.2.5. Source code control for map files
- maps, disadvantages: 4.2.5. Source code control for map files
- schema, X.500 and: 2.2.4. X.500
- SEAM (Sun Enterprise Authentication Mechanism): SEAM: Kerberos V5 for Solaris
- search paths, automounter and: 9.6.1. Long search paths
- SEAS (Solaris Easy Access Server): 8.2. Setting up a diskless client
- secret key, symmetric key encryption: Symmetric key encryption
- secure NFS: Old terms: AUTH_DES, secure RPC, and, secure NFS
- secure RPC: Old terms: AUTH_DES, secure RPC, and, secure NFS
- securenets file: The secure nets file
- security
- ACLs: 12.4.8. Access control lists
- anonymous users, mapping: 12.4.3. Unknown user mapping
- asymmetric key encryption: Asymmetric key encryption
- AUTH_DH: 12.5.4. AUTH_DH: Diffie-Hellman authentication
- authentication: 12.2. How secure are NIS and NFS?
- AUTH_SYS security flavor: 12.2. How secure are NIS and NFS?
- cryptography: 12.5.2. Brief introduction to cryptography
- DCE/DFS: 12.2. How secure are NIS and NFS?
- filesystem access: 12.4.4. Access to filesystems
- firewalls: 12.4.7. Using NFS through firewalls
- future of: 7.6.2. Security
- IPsec: 12.5.3. NFS and IPSec
- Kerberos V5: 12.5.5. RPCSEC_GSS: Generic security services for RPC
- LDAP and: 12.2. How secure are NIS and NFS?
- login restrictions: 12.1. User-oriented network security
- MACs: One-way hash functions and MACs
- maps, private: 12.3.2. Making NIS more secure
- netgroups: 12.1.3. Using netgroups
- NFS: 12.4. NFS security
- future of: 12.5.7. NFS security futures
- increasing: 12.5. Stronger security for NFS
- increasing, transition: 12.5.6. Planning a transition from NFS/sys to stronger NFS security
- levels: 12.2. How secure are NIS and NFS?
- RPC: 12.4.1. RPC security
- superuser mapping: 12.4.2. Superuser mapping
- version 4 and: 7.6.1. NFS Version 4
- increasing: 12.3.2. Making NIS more secure
- passwords: 12.3. Password and NIS security
- NIS+ and: 2.2.3. NIS+
- NIS levels: 12.2. How secure are NIS and NFS?
- one-way hash functions: One-way hash functions and MACs
- performance and: Security and performance
- port monitoring: 12.4.6. Port monitoring
- private keys: Public and private keys
- public key exchange: Public key exchange
- public keys: Public and private keys
- read-only access: 12.4.5. Read-only access
- RPC: 12.4.1. RPC security
- RPC/DH: How RPC/DH works
- RPCSEC_GSS: 12.5.5. RPCSEC_GSS: Generic security services for RPC
- SATAN: 14.4.5. SATAN
- SEAM: SEAM: Kerberos V5 for Solaris
- securenets file: The secure nets file
- services: 12.5.1. Security services
- session keys: Establishing a session key
- setuid executables and: 12.4.2. Superuser mapping
- SMB (CIFS): 12.2. How secure are NIS and NFS?
- symmetric key encryption: Symmetric key encryption
- trusted hosts: 12.1.1. Trusted hosts and trusted users
- trusted users: 12.1.1. Trusted hosts and trusted users
- UIDs: 12.3.3. Unknown password entries
- user-oriented: 12.1. User-oriented network security
- viruses: 12.6. Viruses
- server only NIS: 3.1. Masters, slaves, and clients
- server response time,
threshold value: 16.2. Measuring performance
- server-side caching: 7.4.3. Server-side caching
- server-side configuration, PC/NFS: 10.3.1. Server-side PC/NFS configuration
- server-side fields (RPC), statistics: 14.2. NFS statistics
- server-side performance tuning: 16. Server-Side Performance Tuning
- benchmarking: 16.3. Benchmarking
- server threads: 7.2.1. NFS RPC procedures
- 7.3.3. NFS kernel code
- NFS: 7.3.1. nfsd and NFS server threads
- server-to-client relationships, trusted hosts and users: 12.1.1. Trusted hosts and trusted users
- server-to-server relationships, trusted hosts and users: 12.1.1. Trusted hosts and trusted users
- servers
- allocating, domains: 4.1.3. Number of NIS servers per domain
- as clients: 3.3.11. NIS server as an NIS client
- compensation, slow: 18.1. Slow server compensation
- configuration
- diskless clients: 8. Diskless Clients
- RPCs and: 1.5.3. Internet and RPC server configuration
- CPU loading, bottlenecks and: 16.4.1. Problem areas
- disk bandwidth: 16.4.1. Problem areas
- DNS: 5.2.3. Run DNS on NIS clients and servers
- load, buffer size and: 18.3. Adjusting for network reliability problems
- locating, binding the domain: 3.3.10. The ypbind daemon
- log files: 14.6.1. NFS server logging mechanics
- logging
- configuration: 14.6.3. NFS server logging configuration
- configuration files: 14.6.3. NFS server logging configuration
- disabling: 14.6.9. Disabling NFS server logging
- enabling: 14.6.2. Enabling NFS server logging
- master server
- creating: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
- hosts, changing: 4.3.2. Changing NIS master servers
- number of: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
- unavailable: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
- ypxfr tool: 4.2.2. Regular map transfers
- memory usage, bottlenecks: 16.4.1. Problem areas
- multihomed: 16.5.7. Multihomed servers
- network interface, bottlenecks: 16.4.1. Problem areas
- NFS, troubleshooting: B.1. NFS server problems
- selecting: 3.2.1. Choosing NIS servers
- testing: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
- NLM crash: Server crash
- performance tuning: 16.5. Server tuning
- buffers: 16.5.3. Memory usage
- CPU loading: 16.5.1. CPU loading
- cross-mounting filesystem: 16.5.6. Cross-mounting filesystems
- kernel configuration: 16.5.5. Kernel configuration
- memory usage: 16.5.3. Memory usage
- multhomed: 16.5.7. Multihomed servers
- nfsd threads: 16.5.2. NFS server threads
- throughput: 16.5.4. Disk and filesystem throughput
- renegade, debugging case study: 15.2. Renegade NIS server
- replication, automounter: 9.5.1. Replicated servers
- response time
- disk-intensive activity and: 16.2. Measuring performance
- users and: 16.2. Measuring performance
- root privileges: 12.3.1. Managing the root password with NIS
- configuration: 1.5.3. Internet and RPC server configuration
- initialization: 1.5.3. Internet and RPC server configuration
- slave server
- adding: 3.2. Basics of NIS management
- adding later: Adding slave servers later
- initializing: 3.2.3. Installing NIS slave servers
- installing: 3.2.3. Installing NIS slave servers
- listing: 3.2.3. Installing NIS slave servers
- removing: 4.3.1. Removing an NIS slave server
- slow
- testing: 18.1.1. Identifying NFS retransmissions
- timeo parameter and: 18.1.2. Timeout period calculation
- terminal servers: 16.5.1. CPU loading
- usage guage: 4.1.3. Number of NIS servers per domain
- Service field, NFS log record: 14.6. NFS server logging
- session keys: Establishing a session key
- session layer (7-layer model): 1.5. The session and presentation layers
- setuid
- executables, security and: 12.4.2. Superuser mapping
- root privileges, remote files and: 12.4.2. Superuser mapping
- setup
- diskless clients: 8.2. Setting up a diskless client
- NFS: 6.1. Setting up NFS
- share command: 6.2. Exporting filesystems
- enabling logging: 14.6.1. NFS server logging mechanics
- exporting filesystems and: 6.2.2. Exporting options
- share utility, /etc/dfs/sharetab and: 14.1. NFS administration tools
- showmount command: Identifying RPC services
- 14.1. NFS administration tools
- slave servers: 3.1. Masters, slaves, and clients
- adding: 3.2. Basics of NIS management
- adding later: Adding slave servers later
- initializing: 3.2.3. Installing NIS slave servers
- installing: 3.2.3. Installing NIS slave servers
- listing: 3.2.3. Installing NIS slave servers
- removing: 4.3.1. Removing an NIS slave server
- slow servers, testing for: 18.1.1. Identifying NFS retransmissions
- SMB (Server Message Block): 10.2.1. NFS versus SMB (CIFS)
- (CIFS) security flavor: 12.2. How secure are NIS and NFS?
- snoop: 13.5.1. snoop
- 14.3. snoop
- filters: 14.3.1. Useful filters
- NFS Server Logging utility: 14.6. NFS server logging
- socket RPC: Socket RPC and Transport Independent RPC
- soft mounts, filesystems: 6.3.5. Hard and soft mounts
- Solaris
- diskless clients (see diskless clients)
- mount command: 6.3.3. Mount options
- NFS, export and: 6.2. Exporting filesystems
- Solaris Easy Access Server (SEAS): 8.2. Setting up a diskless client
- solstice command: 8.2. Setting up a diskless client
- source code control system (see SCCS)
- source code, map files: 4.2.5. Source code control for map files
- source files
- domain, pushing to new: 4.4. Managing multiple domains
- maps: 4.2.1. Map distribution
- alternate source files: 4.2.6. Using alternate map source files
- NIS maps, ASCII code: 3.2.3. Installing NIS slave servers
- source netgroup: 3.3.2. Netgroups
- spray utility: 13.2.5. Gauging Ethernet interface capacity
- stale filehandler error: 7.2.5. Pathnames and filehandles
- stale filehandles
- performance and: 18.8. Stale filehandles
- Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation: 16.2. Measuring performance
- stat( ), symbolic links and: 6.4.1. Resolving symbolic links in NFS
- statd daemon, NFS startup: 6.1. Setting up NFS
- state information: 1.4.1. TCP and UDP
- recreating: 7.5.3. Recreating state information
- stateful protocols: 1.4.1. TCP and UDP
- static routing: A.1. Routers and their routing tables
- A.2. Static routing
- station addresses: 1.3.2. IP host addresses
- statistics
- filters: 14.3.1. Useful filters
- NFS diagnostics: 14.2. NFS statistics
- snoop and: 14.3. snoop
- status daemon: 7.5.1. Lock and status daemons
- stepping-stone mount points: 18.7. Mount point constructions
- sticky-bit access, swap files: 8.4. Managing client swap space
- strings, data representation and: 1.5.2. External data representation
- subnetwork masks: 13.2.2. Subnetwork masks
- substitutions, automounter maps: 9.4. Key and variable substitutions
- Sun Microsystems: 0. Preface
- superusers
- domain, default: 3.3.8. NIS domains
- keys, adding: Creating keys
- mapping, NFS: 12.4.2. Superuser mapping
- restrictions: 12.4.2. Superuser mapping
- swap files
- sticky-bit access: 8.4. Managing client swap space
- temporary: 8.4. Managing client swap space
- VM system and: 8.1. NFS support for diskless clients
- swap filesystem, AdminSuite: 8.2. Setting up a diskless client
- swap space, diskless clients: 8.4. Managing client swap space
- swapping files, ND and: 8.1. NFS support for diskless clients
- switched Ethernets: 17.3.1. Switched networks
- switches, networks: 17.2. Network partitioning hardware
- symbolic links: 6.4. Symbolic links
- absolute pathnames: 6.4.2. Absolute and relative pathnames
- automounter and: 9.1.1. Indirect maps
- boot blocks: 8.3.2. Getting a boot block
- /export subdirectories: 8.2. Setting up a diskless client
- exporting filesystems and: 6.4.3. Mount points, exports, and links
- mount points construction and: 18.7. Mount point constructions
- mounting filesystems and: 6.4.3. Mount points, exports, and links
- mounts: 6.4. Symbolic links
- relative pathnames: 6.4.2. Absolute and relative pathnames
- resolving, NFS: 6.4.1. Resolving symbolic links in NFS
- symmetric key encryption: Symmetric key encryption
- synchronizing time: 14.7. Time synchronization
- synchronous serial line, TCP/IP: 1.1. Networking overview
- system administration
- NFS: 6. System Administration Using the Network File System
- NIS: 4. System Management Using NIS
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