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Index: H

hard mounts, filesystems: 6.3.5. Hard and soft mounts
hard suboption: 6.5.2. Rules for mounting replicas
hardware, network partitions: 17.2. Network partitioning hardware
hash-tables: 3.3.5. Map files
blocks: 3.3.5. Map files
HCLNFSD protocol, PC/NFS and: 10.1. PC/NFS today
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle: 16.3. Benchmarking
hierarchical mounts, automounter: 9.5.2. Hierarchical mounts
-hosts map: The -hosts map
hierarchical operation, NIS+ and: 2.2.3. NIS+
hierarchies, domain naming scheme: 4.1.2. Domain names
host address: 1.3.2. IP host addresses
Host Manager, diskless clients and: 8.2. Setting up a diskless client
host naming, migrating from NIS to DNS: 5.5. Migrating from NIS to DNS for host naming
host numbers, IPv4 addresses: 1.3.3. IPv4 address classes
hostname field, NFS client netgroups map: 3.3.2. Netgroups
formats, netgroups: 3.3.3. Hostname formats in netgroups
netgroups: 12.1.3. Using netgroups
NIS/DNS: 5.2.2. Run NIS on client, enable DNS on NIS server
qualified: 5.3. Fully qualified and unqualified hostnames
umountall and: 14.1. NFS administration tools
unqualified: 5.3. Fully qualified and unqualified hostnames
username and: 12.1.2. Enabling transparent access
addresses: 1.3.2. IP host addresses
NFS: 1. Networking Fundamentals
domains, binding: 3.3.8. NIS domains
files: 3.3. Files managed under NIS
information mismatch, ifconfig: Mismatched host information
MAC addresses: 1.2.2. Ethernet addresses
names, and netgroups: 3.3.2. Netgroups
relationships, trusted users and hosts: 12.1.1. Trusted hosts and trusted users
trusted: 12.1.1. Trusted hosts and trusted users
hosts database, directory services and: 2.1.1. The hosts database
hosts file
bypassing, client: 3.1. Masters, slaves, and clients
modifying, master server: 3.1. Masters, slaves, and clients
nicknames: 3.3.7. Map structure
NIS: 1. Networking Fundamentals
map: 3.1. Masters, slaves, and clients
hosts map
domains: 4.4. Managing multiple domains
qualified names: 5.3. Fully qualified and unqualified hostnames
RARP server and: 8.3.1. Reverse ARP requests
-hosts map, hierarchical mounts and: The -hosts map
hosts.equiv: 3.3.1. Working with the maps
hosts.txt: 2.2.1. Directory Name Service (DNS)
Ethernet vs Fast Ethernet: 17.2. Network partitioning hardware
networks: 17.2. Network partitioning hardware

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