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Index: M

MAC (Media Access Control): 1.2.2. Ethernet addresses
addresses: 1.2.2. Ethernet addresses
AdminSuite and: 8.2. Setting up a diskless client
IP addresses: 1.3.2. IP host addresses
IP mapping: 13.2.3. IP to MAC address mappings
broadcast addresses: 13.1. Broadcast addresses
cryptography and: One-way hash functions and MACs
layer tools: 13.2. MAC and IP layer tools
ifconfig: 13.2.1. ifconfig: interface configuration
maintaining maps: 3.3.9. The ypserv daemon
major timeouts: 18.1.2. Timeout period calculation
make process, accelerated: 7.4.1. File attribute caching
makedbm utility: 3.3.6. Map naming
dependencies: 4.2.3. Map file dependencies
passwd map contents: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
mandatory file locking: 11.1.3. Mandatory versus advisory locking
NFS: 11.2.3. Mandatory locking and NFS
map files
source code, control over: 4.2.5. Source code control for map files
updating: 4.2. Managing map files
map maintenance calls: 3.3.9. The ypserv daemon
map transfers
regular transfers: 4.2.2. Regular map transfers
servers, existing: 4.3.2. Changing NIS master servers
source modification and: 4.2.1. Map distribution
MAPPING_UPDATE_INTERVAL parameter, nfslogd daemon: 14.6.8. Other configuration parameters
maps: 3.1. Masters, slaves, and clients
3.3.5. Map files
ampersand (&): 9.4.1. Key substitutions
direct: 9.1.3. Direct maps
9.3.2. Updating NIS-managed automount maps
9.5.3. Conversion of direct maps
direct maps: 9.1. Automounter maps
executable: 9.5.5. Executable indirect maps
indirect: 9.5.4. Multiple indirection
indirect maps: 9.1.1. Indirect maps
master: 9.2. Invocation and the master map
master map: 9.1. Automounter maps
NIS-managed, updating: 9.3.2. Updating NIS-managed automount maps
null: 9.2.3. The null map
substitutions: 9.4. Key and variable substitutions
changes, accepting: 4.2.4. Password file updates
copying: 3.3.5. Map files
DBM database and: 3.3.5. Map files
definition of: 3.1. Masters, slaves, and clients
dependencies: 4.2.3. Map file dependencies
distribution: 4.2.1. Map distribution
entries, consistency: 3.3.7. Map structure
existence, service requests: 3.3.9. The ypserv daemon
file management: 4.2. Managing map files
generating, password files: 3.3.6. Map naming
hosts file: 3.1. Masters, slaves, and clients
integrating with local files: 3.3.4. Integrating NIS maps with local files
maintaining: 3.3.9. The ypserv daemon
modification timestamp: 3.3.7. Map structure
moving: 3.3.5. Map files
naming: 3.3.6. Map naming
data source and: 3.3.6. Map naming
netgroup: 12.1.3. Using netgroups
netgroups: 3.3.2. Netgroups
netid.byname: 3.3. Files managed under NIS
netmasks, ifconfig: 13.2.2. Subnetwork masks
NFS RPC calls: 7.2.1. NFS RPC procedures
nicknames: 3.3. Files managed under NIS
3.3.7. Map structure
ASCII source file: 3.2.3. Installing NIS slave servers
automounter and: 9.3.1. Mixing NIS and files in the same map
map information: 13.4.3. Other NIS map information
passwd.byname: 3.3. Files managed under NIS
private: 12.3.2. Making NIS more secure
published mapping: 13.2.3. IP to MAC address mappings
read-only access: 4.2.4. Password file updates
rebuilding: 4.2.1. Map distribution
SCCS, disadvantages: 4.2.5. Source code control for map files
source files: 4.2.1. Map distribution
alternates: 4.2.6. Using alternate map source files
structure: 3.3.7. Map structure
transfers: 3.3.9. The ypserv daemon
ypxrf tool: 4.2.2. Regular map transfers
working with: 3.3.1. Working with the maps
ypinit and: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
ypservers: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
see also domains: 3.1. Masters, slaves, and clients
masks, subnetwork: 13.2.2. Subnetwork masks
master map, automounter: 9.1. Automounter maps
9.2. Invocation and the master map
command-line options: 9.2.2. Command-line options
timeouts: 9.2.4. Tuning timeout values
master server
global changes and: 3.1. Masters, slaves, and clients
hosts file, modifying: 3.1. Masters, slaves, and clients
NIS, installing: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
unavailable: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
master servers: 3.1. Masters, slaves, and clients
checking for existence: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
creating: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
hosts, changing: 4.3.2. Changing NIS master servers
number of: 3.2.2. Installing the NIS master server
ypxrf tool: 4.2.2. Regular map transfers
matches, key matches: 3.4. Trace of a key match
MAX_LOGS_PRESERVE parameter, nfslogd daemon: 14.6.8. Other configuration parameters
MBONE (Multicast backBONE): 1.3.3. IPv4 address classes
Media Access Control (see MAC)
memory usage
server, bottlenecks: 16.4.1. Problem areas
server performance tuning: 16.5.3. Memory usage
minor timeouts: 18.1.2. Timeout period calculation
MIN_PROCESSING_SIZE parameter, nfslogd daemon: 14.6.8. Other configuration parameters
mkdir: 7.2.1. NFS RPC procedures
mkfile swap files, diskless clients: 8.4. Managing client swap space
modification timestamps, maps: 3.3.7. Map structure
mount command: 6.3.2. Using mount
failure of: 6.3.6. Resolving mount problems
NFS filesystems, mounting: 1. Networking Fundamentals
Solaris: 6.3.3. Mount options
mount information, NFS diagnostics: 14.1. NFS administration tools
mount parameters
retrans: 18.1.2. Timeout period calculation
timeo: 18.1.2. Timeout period calculation
mount points
directories: 14.1. NFS administration tools
naming scheme: 18.7. Mount point constructions
permissions, incorrect (debugging case study): 15.5. Incorrect mount point permissions
stepping-stone: 18.7. Mount point constructions
symbolic links and: 18.7. Mount point constructions
mount protocol: 6.1. Setting up NFS
background mounts: 6.3.4. Backgrounding mounts
mount requests, filehandles and: 7.2.5. Pathnames and filehandles
mountd daemon: 6.1. Setting up NFS
6.3.6. Resolving mount problems
7.2. NFS protocol and implementation
/etc/dfs/dfstab and: 14.1. NFS administration tools
mounting dataless clients: 8.7.1. Dataless clients
mounting filesystems
background mounts: 6.3.4. Backgrounding mounts
devices: 6.3.6. Resolving mount problems
hard mounts: 6.3.5. Hard and soft mounts
retransmission and: 18.1.2. Timeout period calculation
kill command: 6.3.5. Hard and soft mounts
multi-hop: 6.3.6. Resolving mount problems
ND and: 8.1. NFS support for diskless clients
NFS: 6.3. Mounting filesystems
NFS and: 6. System Administration Using the Network File System
PC/NFS: 10.4.1. Mounting filesystems
read-only: 6.3.3. Mount options
replication and: 6.5.2. Rules for mounting replicas
resolving problems: 6.3.6. Resolving mount problems
soft mounts: 6.3.5. Hard and soft mounts
symbolic links: 6.4. Symbolic links
transitive: 6.3.6. Resolving mount problems
mount(1M) command: 6.3. Mounting filesystems
moving maps: 3.3.5. Map files
MTUs (Maximum Transmission Units): 1.2.1. Frames and network interfaces
1.3.1. Datagrams and packets
ifconfig: Examining interfaces
multi-hop mounts: 6.3.6. Resolving mount problems
multi-threaded services: 1.5.3. Internet and RPC server configuration
MULTICAST flag, ifconfig: Examining interfaces
multihomed servers, performance tuning: 16.5.7. Multihomed servers
mv command: 3.3.5. Map files

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