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ActionScript: The Definitive GuideSearch this book

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Index: P

package keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words
Page Down (see PGDN)
Page Up (see PGUP)
panning, sound: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
paragraph breaks (HTML support in text fields): 18.5.5. <P> (Paragraph Break)
parameters: 1.1.5. Extra Info Required (Arguments)
accessibility of statements to: 9.7. Function Scope
accessing excess values with arguments object: 9.8.1. Number of Parameters
clip: 16.8.1. Building a Smart Clip with a Standard Interface
creating functions with: 9.3.1. Creating Functions with Parameters
defining: 9.3.1. Creating Functions with Parameters
invoking functions with: 9.3.2. Invoking Functions with Parameters
number of: 9.8.1. Number of Parameters
primitive vs. composite values: 9.8.3. Primitive Versus Composite Parameter Values
retrieving values from arguments array: Retrieving parameter values from the arguments array
vs. arguments: 9.3.2. Invoking Functions with Parameters
Parameters pane (Actions panel): Normal Mode
_parent property (MovieClip class): 13.7. Built-in Movie Clip Properties
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
accessing variables on different timelines: The _root and _ parent properties
not available in main timeline: 13.5.3. Referring to Nested Instances
referring to current clip: 13.1. The "Objectness" of Movie Clips
13.5.3. Referring to Nested Instances
parentheses ()
assigning vs. invoking methods: 12.4. Methods
function call operator: 5.11.8. The Function Call Operator
9.2. Running Functions
12.4. Methods
grouping operator: 5.8. The Grouping Operator
operator precedence and: 5.1.3. Operator Precedence
parentNode property (XML class): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
parseFloat() global function: Converting to a number using the parseInt( ) and parseFloat( ) functions
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
parseInt() global function: Converting to a number using the parseInt( ) and parseFloat( ) functions
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
parseXML() (XML class): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
Password option in text fields: 18.3.1. Line Display
percentage values for colors: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
gauging with Bandwidth Profiler: 19.1.4. The Bandwidth Profiler
issues for string extractions: String extraction performance issues
integrating with Flash: 17.2. Creating a Flash Fill-in Form
17.2.3. The Perl Script,
library for generating Flash/SWF movies: A.4. SWF File Format
permanent conversions: 3.4.3. Conversion Duration
PGDN property (Key object): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
PGUP property (Key object): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
PI property (Math object): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
platform, detecting (Player): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
MovieClip class: 13.8.3. Built-in Movie Clip Methods
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
checking number of downloaded bytes: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
attached and duplicated instances: 13.6.2. Using removeMovieClip( ) to Delete Instances
movie clips from: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
detecting versions: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
document level stack: Accessing variables on different document levels
13.4.3. The .swf Document "_level" Stack Referencing other documents in the Player using _leveln
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
loading external SWF files into: 13.3.4. Importing External Movies
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
removing movie clips from: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
rendering quality
_highquality global property: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
_quality global property: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
toggleHighQuality global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
sound, controlling: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
standalone: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
disabling menu commands: Handling special keys
updates to (Builds 41/42): C.1. Updates to the Flash 5 Player, Build 41
version of: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
XML.send() and: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
advancing one frame: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
playing timelines from a given frame: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
sending back one frame: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
stopping at a given frame: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
using timeline loops: 8.7. Timeline and Clip Event Loops
plus (+) addition operator: 1.1.6. ActionScript's Glue (Operators)
4.4.1. Using Operators
5.3.1. Addition
converting data to strings: Converting to a string with empty string concatenation
pointer: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
(see also custom mouse pointers)
hiding: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
horizontal location of: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
movie clips following the: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
revealing: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
rotating a movie clip toward mouse: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
vertical location of: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
points (see coordinate spaces)
polling the keyboard: 10.11.5. keyUp
polymorphism: Polymorphism
pop() (Array class): The pop( ) method
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
POSITIVE_INFINITY property (Number class) (see Infinity global property[POSITIVE_INFINITY property (Number class) zzzz)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
(see also Infinity global property[POSITIVE_INFINITY property (Number class))
zzzz (see Infinity global property[POSITIVE_INFINITY property (Number class) zzzz)
(see also Infinity global property[POSITIVE_INFINITY property (Number class))
postfix decrement (operand ) operator: 5.3.4. Decrement
postfix increment (operand ++) operator: 5.3.2. Increment
pow() (Math object): 4.3.2. Floating-Point Literals
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
precedence of operators: 4.4.1. Using Operators
5.1.3. Operator Precedence
precision, floating-point: Floating-point precision
prefix decrement ( operand) operator: 5.3.4. Decrement
prefix increment (++ operand) operator: 5.3.2. Increment
accessing loaded movies: Load movie execution order
using Boolean values to build: 4.7.1. Using Boolean Values to Build a Preloader
building XML preloaders: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
using data event handlers to build: Using a data event handler with loadMovie( )
_framesloaded property and: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
getBytesLoaded() and: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
press button event: 10.8.1. press
global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
MovieClip class: 13.8.3. Built-in Movie Clip Methods
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
previousSibling property (XML class): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
prevScene() global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
Boolean values: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
datatypes: 4. Primitive Datatypes
equality of: 5.4.1. Primitive Datatype Equality
object values: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
primitive vs. composite data: 3.5. Primitive Data Versus Composite Data
copying, comparing, and passing: 15.1. Copying, Comparing, and Passing Data
passing values to functions: 9.8.3. Primitive Versus Composite Parameter Values
print() global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
target parameter and: Method versus global function overlap issues
print protocol (getURL()): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
printAsBitmap() global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
target parameter and: Method versus global function overlap issues
printAsBitmapNum() global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
printNum() global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
private keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words
process clips: 13.2.4. Process Clips
PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE (XML node type): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
program functions: 9. Functions
availability of: 9.6. Function Availability and Life Span
programmatically generated clip stacks: 13.4.2. The Programmatically Generated Clip Stack
programming, introduction to: 1. A Gentle Introduction for Non-Programmers
Projector, standalone: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
attaching to functions: 9.11.1. Passing Functions to Functions
fractional inaccuracy of: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
global: 20.2. Global Properties
Math object constant values: Irrational numbers
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
movie clips: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
assigning values to: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
retrieving values of: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
Number class: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
read/only and read/write: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
text field: 18.4. Text Field Properties
XML class: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
properties, object (see object properties)
protected keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words
__proto__ property (Object class): The _ _ proto_ _ property
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
prototype chain, walking the: Determining whether an object belongs to a superclass
prototype property, creating inherited properties with: Creating inherited properties with the prototype property
public keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words
push() (Array class): The push( ) method
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference

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