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Index: E

\E string metacharacter : 1.13. Escaping Characters
/e substitution modifier
1.8. Expanding Variables in User Input
6.0. Introduction
6.4. Commenting Regular Expressions
7.7. Writing a Filter
each(�) : 5.10. Merging Hashes
eager pattern matching : 6.0. Introduction
echo and password input : 15.10. Reading Passwords
editing files : (see file contents)
editing input : 15.11. Editing Input
/ee substitution modifier
1.8. Expanding Variables in User Input
6.4. Commenting Regular Expressions
elements of arrays : (see arrays)
elements of hashes : (see hashes)
matching valid addresses : 6.19. Matching a Valid Mail Address
random signatures : 16.22. Program: sigrand
reading with POP3 : 18.5. Reading Mail with POP3
sending : 18.3. Sending Mail
sending HTML forms via : 19.13. Saving a Form to a File or Mail Pipe
sorting (example subroutine) : 10.17. Program: Sorting Your Mail
tracking time path of : 3.11. Program: hopdelta
empty base class test : 13.9. Writing an Inheritable Class
empty string ("") : 1.0. Introduction
encodings, multiple-byte : 6.18. Matching Multiple-Byte Characters
=end pod directive : 12.16. Documenting Your Module with Pod
__END__ tokens : 7.6. Storing Files Inside Your Program Text
Epoch : (see date and time)
CGI scripts : 19.0. Introduction
500 Server Error : 19.3. Fixing a 500 Server Error
redirecting error messages : 19.2. Redirecting Error Messages
controlling for other programs : 16.9. Controlling the Input, Output, and Error of Another Program
exceptions in subroutines : 10.12. Handling Exceptions
reading STDERR from programs : 16.7. Reading STDERR from a Program
reporting filenames in : 7.4. Making Perl Report Filenames in Errors
reporting like built-ins : 12.12. Reporting Errors and Warnings Like Built-Ins
returning failure from subroutines : 10.10. Returning Failure
trapping in require/use statements : 12.2. Trapping Errors in require or use
trapping undefined function calls : 10.15. Trapping Undefined Function Calls with AUTOLOAD
web server error log
19.0. Introduction
20.13. Processing Server Logs
escaping chacters : 1.13. Escaping Characters
in substitution
1.8. Expanding Variables in User Input
6.0. Introduction
6.4. Commenting Regular Expressions
with require/use statement : 12.2. Trapping Errors in require or use
events, Tk resize : 15.16. Responding to Tk Resize Events
handling in subroutines : 10.12. Handling Exceptions
trapping undefined function calls : 10.15. Trapping Undefined Function Calls with AUTOLOAD
exclusive locks : 7.11. Locking a File
16.0. Introduction
16.3. Replacing the Current Program with a Different One
19.6. Executing Commands Without Shell Escapes
exists(�) : 5.1. Adding an Element to a Hash
multiple hash key values : 5.7. Hashes with Multiple Values Per Key
expanding tabs : 1.7. Expanding and Compressing Tabs
expanding variables in user input : 1.8. Expanding Variables in User Input
Expect module : 15.13. Controlling Another Program with Expect
Expect, controlling programs with : 15.13. Controlling Another Program with Expect
expn program (example) : 18.9. Program: expn and vrfy
@EXPORT array (use pragma) : 12.1. Defining a Module's Interface
@EXPORT_OK array (use pragma) : 12.1. Defining a Module's Interface
@EXPORT_TAGS array (use pragma) : 12.1. Defining a Module's Interface
Exporter module
12.0. Introduction
12.1. Defining a Module's Interface
exporting to modules : 12.0. Introduction
expressions, interpolating within strings : 1.10. Interpolating Functions and Expressions Within Strings
extracting from arrays : (see arrays)
extracting URLs from HTML : 20.3. Extracting URLs

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