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Index: S

saturation points: A. Using Input and Output Octets
scalar objects
data collection and: Designing collections
graphing in MRTG: 13.3. Graphing Other Objects
OIDs: 2.6.1. The get Operation
11.2.1. Extensibility for Unix and Windows NT
adding to OpenView menus: B.2. Adding a Menu to NNM
disk-space checker: 12.5. Disk-Space Checker
port monitoring: 12.6. Port Monitor
recording logins: 12.2. Who's Logging into My Machine? (I-Am-in)
12.2. Who's Logging into My Machine? (I-Am-in)
throw core: 12.3. Throw Core
trap generation: 12.1. General Trap-Generation Program
Veritas disk check script: 12.4. Veritas Disk Check
security: 7.2. Security Concerns
(see also access)
authentication-failure traps: 7.1. Parameter Settings
community strings: 2.2. SNMP Communities
7.2. Security Concerns
extension scripts and: 11.2.1. Extensibility for Unix and Windows NT
firewalls: 7.2. Security Concerns
limiting requests to agents: 7.2. Security Concerns Creating a configuration by hand
polling over the Internet: 3.2. NMS Architectures
SNMP weaknesses and: 7.2. Security Concerns
SNMPv3 and: 7.2. Security Concerns
F.1. Changes in SNMPv3
Cisco routers: F.2.1. Configuring SNMPv3 for a Cisco Router
encryption: F.1.1. The SNMPv3 Engine
F.2.1. Configuring SNMPv3 for a Cisco Router
levels: F.1.4. SNMPv3 Textual Conventions
Net-SNMP: F.2.2. Configuring SNMPv3 for Net-SNMP
USM: F.1.4. SNMPv3 Textual Conventions
Security Subsystem (SNMPv3): F.1.1. The SNMPv3 Engine
seed devices: 6.2. Castle Rock's SNMPc Enterprise Edition
6.2.2. Discovery and Filters
seed files: 6.1.2. The netmon Process
send utilization (If%util): A. Using Input and Output Octets
sending traps: 10.3. Sending Traps
Cisco devices: Advanced configuration
forcing: 10.3.5. Forcing Your Hardware to Generate Traps
hooks in programs: 10.3.6. Using Hooks with Your Programs
Net-SNMP: 10.3.4. Sending Traps with Net-SNMP
F.2.2.3. Sending SNMPv3 traps with Net-SNMP
OpenView: 10.3.1. Sending Traps with OpenView
Perl: 10.3.2. Sending Traps with Perl
SNMPv3: F.1.2. SNMPv3 Applications
F.2.2.3. Sending SNMPv3 traps with Net-SNMP
testing: 10.3.5. Forcing Your Hardware to Generate Traps
Trap Generator: 10.3.3. Sending Traps with Network Computing Technologies Trap Generator
sendmail process
checking running processes: 11.1. Net-SNMP
monitoring: Advanced configuration
serial lines, speed: A. Using Input and Output Octets
disk-space checking script: 12.5. Disk-Space Checker
graphing parameters: 13.3. Graphing Other Objects
mail servers, monitoring: 12.6. Port Monitor
polling: 12.5. Disk-Space Checker
12.5. Disk-Space Checker
proxy servers: 10.3. Sending Traps
web servers: Advanced configuration
B.4. Using NNM for Communications
set operations: 2.6.4. The set Operation
8. Polling and Setting
creating text files with: 11.3. OpenView's Extensible Agent
error messages: 2.6.5. get, get-next, get-bulk, and set Error Responses
8.4. Error Responses
Net-SNMP: C.3.5. snmpset
Perl: E.2.4. snmpset( )
setting and confirming values: 8.3. Setting a MIB Value
SNMP compatibility and: 4.1. What Does SNMP-Compatible Really Mean?
SNMPv3: F.1.2. SNMPv3 Applications
SystemEDGE output requirements: 11.2.1. Extensibility for Unix and Windows NT
updating tables: 11.3.1. Tables
Sets in filters: 6.1.5. Using OpenView Filters Sets
severity levels of events (OpenView): Forwarding events and event severities
SGMP (Simple Gateway Management Protocol): 1.1. Network Management and Monitoring
SHA algorithm: F.1.1. The SNMPv3 Engine
F.2.1. Configuring SNMPv3 for a Cisco Router
shell profiles: 12.2. Who's Logging into My Machine? (I-Am-in)
shell scripts
checking file types: 11.1. Net-SNMP
finding files: 11.1. Net-SNMP
hooks to: 10.3.6. Using Hooks with Your Programs
10.3.6. Using Hooks with Your Programs
internal polling scripts: 9.1. Internal Polling
OpenView: 6.1. HP's OpenView Network Node Manager
SystemEDGE: 11.2.1. Extensibility for Unix and Windows NT
shutting down routers: Advanced configuration
Simple Gateway Management Protocol (SGMP): 1.1. Network Management and Monitoring
Simple Network Management Protocol (see SNMP)
SimpleWeb: 1.7. Getting More Information
single-homed devices: 8.2. Retrieving Multiple MIB Values
SMI (Structure of Management Information): 1.4. The Structure of Management Information and MIBS
SMI Next Generation (SMING): 2.3.2. Defining OIDs
SMIv2: 2.3. The Structure of Management Information
2.4. Extensions to the SMI in Version 2
datatypes: 2.4. Extensions to the SMI in Version 2
object definition enhancements: 2.4. Extensions to the SMI in Version 2
RFC standards: D.2. SMIv2 Data Definition Language
textual conventions: 2.4. Extensions to the SMI in Version 2
SMTP support in devices: 6.2.2. Discovery and Filters
SMUX (SNMP Multiplexing Protocol): 4.5. A Look Ahead
SNMP++: 5.5. Supporting Software
SNMP compatibility: 4.1. What Does SNMP-Compatible Really Mean?
SNMP Link: 1.7. Getting More Information
SNMP MIB Browser (OpenView): 8.1.1. Using HP OpenView to Retrieve Values
8.2.1. Walking the MIB Tree with OpenView
SNMP Multiplexing Protocol (SMUX): 4.5. A Look Ahead
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol): 0. Preface
0. Preface
1. What Is SNMP?
AgentX: 4.5. A Look Ahead
before-and-after scenarios: 1.1.1. Before and After SNMP
bilingual agents: 4.1. What Does SNMP-Compatible Really Mean?
communities: 2.2. SNMP Communities
compatible or compliant devices: 4.1. What Does SNMP-Compatible Really Mean?
error messages: 2.6.5. get, get-next, get-bulk, and set Error Responses
FAQs: 1.7. Getting More Information
history: 1. What Is SNMP?
host management: 1.5. Host Management
2.7. Host Management Revisited
information and resources: 1.7. Getting More Information
management groups (MIB-II): 2.5. A Closer Look at MIB-II
MIBs (see MIBs)
network management: 1.1. Network Management and Monitoring
operations overview: 2.6. SNMP Operations
Perl operations: E.2. SNMP Operations
in protocol stack: 2.1. SNMP and UDP
remote monitoring (see RMON)
RFC standards: 1.2. RFCs and SNMP Versions
security weaknesses: 7.2. Security Concerns
SMI: 1.4. The Structure of Management Information and MIBS
SMIv2: 2.4. Extensions to the SMI in Version 2
staffing considerations: 1.1.2. Human Considerations
UDP and: 2.1. SNMP and UDP
web-based interfaces: 3.3. A Look Ahead
snmpbulkget command (see snmpgetbulk command)
snmpbulkwalk command (Net-SNMP): C.3.4. snmpbulkwalk
SNMPc: 5.2. NMS Suites
configuration: 6.2. Castle Rock's SNMPc Enterprise Edition
installation: 6.2. Castle Rock's SNMPc Enterprise Edition
loading MIBs: 6.2.3. Loading MIBs into SNMPc
node discovery: 6.2.2. Discovery and Filters
seed devices: 6.2. Castle Rock's SNMPc Enterprise Edition
6.2.2. Discovery and Filters
external polling: 9.2.4. Castle Rock's SNMPc
Automatic Alarms: 9.2.4. Castle Rock's SNMPc
customizing menus: 9.2.4. Castle Rock's SNMPc
graphing: 9.2.4. Castle Rock's SNMPc
learning periods: 9.2.4. Castle Rock's SNMPc
thresholds: 9.2.4. Castle Rock's SNMPc
9.2.4. Castle Rock's SNMPc
workgroup and enterprise editions: 9.2.4. Castle Rock's SNMPc
snmpCol.trace file (OpenView): Creating a threshold
snmpconf utility (Net-SNMP): 7.3.4. Net-SNMP (Formerly UCD-SNMP)
8.1.2. Using Net-SNMP
C.3.13. snmpconf
snmpd log files: 7.3.4. Net-SNMP (Formerly UCD-SNMP)
11.3. OpenView's Extensible Agent
snmpdelta command: C.3.7. snmpdelta
snmpdf command (Net-SNMP): C.3.8. snmpdf
snmpdm (OpenView master agent): 11. Extensible SNMP Agents
11.3. OpenView's Extensible Agent
snmpget command: 2.6.1. The get Operation
2.6.1. The get Operation
8. Polling and Setting
confirming set commands: 2.6.4. The set Operation
diagnosing SNMP version with: 4.2. Is My Device SNMP-Compatible?
error responses: 8.4. Error Responses
Net-SNMP operations: 8.1.2. Using Net-SNMP
C.3.2. snmpget
OpenView operations: 8.1.1. Using HP OpenView to Retrieve Values
Perl scripts: 8.1. Retrieving a Single MIB Value
multiple OIDs in: 8.2. Retrieving Multiple MIB Values
snmpget() routine: E.2.1. snmpget( )
snmpgetbulk command: 2.6.3. The get-bulk Operation
2.6.3. The get-bulk Operation
diagnosing SNMP version with: 4.2. Is My Device SNMP-Compatible?
Net-SNMP: C.3.3. snmpbulkget
snmpgetnext command: C.3.9. snmpgetnext
C.3.9. snmpgetnext
(see also get-next operations)
snmpgetnext() routine: E.2.2. snmpgetnext( )
snmpInfo table (SNMPc): 9.2.4. Castle Rock's SNMPc
snmpinform command: C.3.14. snmpinform
snmpLoad_OID_Cache() routine: E.1.3. snmpLoad_OID_Cache( )
snmpmapOID() routine: E.1.1. snmpmapOID( )
snmpMIB_to_OID() routine: E.1.2. snmpMIB_to_OID( )
snmpOutPkts object (MIB): 9.2.4. Castle Rock's SNMPc
snmpQueue_MIB_File() routine: E.1.4. snmpQueue_MIB_File( )
SNMP_Session module: 8.1. Retrieving a Single MIB Value
snmpset command: 2.6.4. The set Operation
2.6.4. The set Operation
8. Polling and Setting
creating text files: 11.3. OpenView's Extensible Agent
error responses: 8.4. Error Responses
Net-SNMP: C.3.5. snmpset
setting and confirming values: 8.3. Setting a MIB Value
updating tables: 11.3.1. Tables
snmpset() routine: E.2.4. snmpset( )
snmpstatus command: C.3.10. snmpstatus
snmptable command: C.3.11. snmptable
snmptranslate utility (Net-SNMP): 8.1.2. Using Net-SNMP
C.3.15. snmptranslate
snmptrap programs: 10.3. Sending Traps
hooks in: 10.3.6. Using Hooks with Your Programs
Net-SNMP: 10.3.4. Sending Traps with Net-SNMP
C.3.6. snmptrap
OpenView: 10.3.1. Sending Traps with OpenView
snmptrap() routine: 10.3.2. Sending Traps with Perl
E.2.5. snmptrap( )
snmptrapd utility: 10.2.9. Receiving Traps Using Net-SNMP
10.3.2. Sending Traps with Perl
snmpusm utility: C.3.12. snmpusm
F.2.2.1. Using snmpusm to manage users
SNMP_util module: 8.1. Retrieving a Single MIB Value
E. SNMP Support for Perl
SNMPv3: 1.2. RFCs and SNMP Versions
applications: F.1.2. SNMPv3 Applications
authentication (see authentication, SNMPv3)
changes in: F.1. Changes in SNMPv3
Cisco router configuration: F.2.1. Configuring SNMPv3 for a Cisco Router
cloning users: F.2.2.1. Using snmpusm to manage users
copying configuration files: F.2.2. Configuring SNMPv3 for Net-SNMP
creating users: F.2.1. Configuring SNMPv3 for a Cisco Router
default configurations: F.2.2.2. Simplifying commands by setting defaults
determining compatibility: 4.2. Is My Device SNMP-Compatible?
device support: 4.2. Is My Device SNMP-Compatible?
engine: F.1.1. The SNMPv3 Engine
entities: F.1. Changes in SNMPv3
F.1.3. What Does an Entity Look Like?
fields: F.2.2.2. Simplifying commands by setting defaults
groups: F.2.1. Configuring SNMPv3 for a Cisco Router
IETF working group site: F.3. Final Words on SNMPv3
Net-SNMP configuration: Running the configuration script
F.2. Configuring SNMPv3
OpenSSL: F.2.2. Configuring SNMPv3 for Net-SNMP
privacy: F.1.1. The SNMPv3 Engine
F.1.4. SNMPv3 Textual Conventions
F.2.2. Configuring SNMPv3 for Net-SNMP
RFCs: F.1. Changes in SNMPv3
security (see security)
textual conventions: F.1.4. SNMPv3 Textual Conventions
trap definition: 10.1.1. SNMPv2 Traps
trap generation: F.2.2.3. Sending SNMPv3 traps with Net-SNMP
views: F.2.1. Configuring SNMPv3 for a Cisco Router
snmpV2 branch: 2.4. Extensions to the SMI in Version 2
snmpwalk command: 2.6.2. The get-next Operation
2.6.2. The get-next Operation
8. Polling and Setting
dangers of overloading systems: 8.2.1. Walking the MIB Tree with OpenView
error responses: 8.4. Error Responses
Net-SNMP: 8.2.2. Walking the Tree with Net-SNMP
C.3.1. snmpwalk
OpenView: 8.2.1. Walking the MIB Tree with OpenView
11.3. OpenView's Extensible Agent
Perl scripts: 8.2. Retrieving Multiple MIB Values
retrieving disk space: 11.1. Net-SNMP
RMON event tables: RMON configuration
walking tables: 11.3.1. Tables
11.3.1. Tables
snmpwalk() routine: E.2.3. snmpwalk( )
Solaris operating system
agent software: 5.1. SNMP Agents
5.1. SNMP Agents
7.3.5. Concord SystemEDGE Agent for Unix and NT
element manager software: 5.3. Element Managers (Vendor-Specific Management)
hooks in programs: 10.3.6. Using Hooks with Your Programs
NMS suites: 5.2. NMS Suites
5.2. NMS Suites
5.2. NMS Suites
OpenView and: 7.3.3. HP OpenView Agent for HP-UX and Solaris
supporting software: 5.5. Supporting Software
trend-analysis software: 5.4. Trend Analysis
vendor-specific software: 5.3. Element Managers (Vendor-Specific Management)
sound files, playing for events: Log messages, notifications, and automatic actions
Spectrum for Cabletron: 5.3. Element Managers (Vendor-Specific Management)
speed of lines: A. Using Input and Output Octets
SSL: 7.2. Security Concerns
considerations: 1.1.2. Human Considerations
NMS architecture and: 3.2. NMS Architectures
static ports, monitoring: 12.6. Port Monitor
statistics in OpenView polling: 9.2.2. OpenView Graphing
status information (Net-SNMP): C.3.10. snmpstatus
status source (OpenView): 6.1.4. A Few Words About NNM Map Colors Forwarding events and event severities
storage requirements for data: 3.1. Hardware Considerations
streams in graphs (NNM): B.1. Using External Data
strings, converting integers to: 11.3.1. Tables
Structure of Management Information (see SMI)
subagents: 4.5. A Look Ahead
7.3.5. Concord SystemEDGE Agent for Unix and NT
subtrees: 2.3.1. Naming OIDs
branches of iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1): 2.3.1. Naming OIDs
creating: 11.3. OpenView's Extensible Agent
defining objects under: 11.3. OpenView's Extensible Agent
MIB-II: 2.5. A Closer Look at MIB-II
Sun Management Center: 5.3. Element Managers (Vendor-Specific Management)
Sun Microsystems agent software: 5.1. SNMP Agents
supporting software packages for NMSs: 5.5. Supporting Software
Symetra: 7.3.7. APC Symetra
sysContact parameter: 7.1. Parameter Settings
retrieving in Perl: 8.1. Retrieving a Single MIB Value
retrieving with OpenView: 8.1.1. Using HP OpenView to Retrieve Values
setting values: 8.3. Setting a MIB Value
sysLocation parameter: 7.1. Parameter Settings
7.1. Parameter Settings
configuring in Net-SNMP: 7.3.4. Net-SNMP (Formerly UCD-SNMP)
retrieving: 2.6.1. The get Operation
8.1.2. Using Net-SNMP
setting values: 2.6.4. The set Operation
syslog records: 3.1. Hardware Considerations
10.2.9. Receiving Traps Using Net-SNMP
sysName parameter: 7.1. Parameter Settings
sysObjectID parameter: Designing collections
sysServices parameter: 7.3.2. Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2002 Agent
system contacts (see sysContact parameter)
system locations (see sysLocation parameter)
system uptime, polling: 8.1.1. Using HP OpenView to Retrieve Values
13.4. Other Data-Gathering Applications
SystemEDGE: 5.1. SNMP Agents
configuring: 7.3.5. Concord SystemEDGE Agent for Unix and NT
configuration file: Simple configuration
11.2.1. Extensibility for Unix and Windows NT
11.2.1. Extensibility for Unix and Windows NT
plug-ins: Advanced configuration
extending: 11. Extensible SNMP Agents
11.2. SystemEDGE
parameters: Advanced configuration
11.2.1. Extensibility for Unix and Windows NT
11.2.2. Added Extensibility for Windows NT
self-monitoring capabilities: Advanced configuration

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