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11.4. Labeling

Bailey, Samantha. "Love Your Labels," Web Architect. Web Review. February, 1997.

"Cataloging Policy and Support Office Home Page." Library of Congress.

"Dewey Decimal System Home Page." OCLC Forest Press. 1997.

"Library of Congress Thesauri Home Page." Library of Congress.

McKiernan, Gerry. "Beyond Bookmarks: Schemes for Organizing the Web." Iowa State University Library.

Meadow, Charles T. Text Information Retrieval Systems. San Diego: Academic Press, 1992.

Nielsen, Jakob and Darrell Sano. "User Interface Design for Sun Microsystem's Internal Web." 1997.

Pao, Miranda L. Concepts of Information Retrieval. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1989.

Rosenfeld, Louis. "Label Laws," Web Architect. Web Review. March, 1996.

Rowley, Jennifer E. Organizing Knowledge, 2nd Edition. Brookfield, VT: Ashgate Publishing, 1992.

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