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0.4. Acknowledgments

This book is dedicated to enhancing the quality and creativity of interactive web audio and empowering people to share their music and sound with the rest of the world.

Thanks for the invaluable help and editorial support provided by Richard Koman, Tara McGoldrick, and Kim Brown from O'Reilly. Their vision, critiques, and attention to detail are instrumental to the quality of this book. Special thanks to Leah Goldberg for her contributions to Chapter 7, "Designing Multimedia Presentations with SMIL and RealSystem G2", Reid Ridgway for his contributions to Chapter 11, "Designing Audio Web Sites with Beatnik", and Jeff Essex for his technical review of many key chapters. And special thanks also to Scot Hacker, author of MP3: The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly & Associates) for his contributions to the MP3 chapter. A number of the sidebars in the MP3 chapter are taken from his book.

Special thanks go out to the Raspberry Media team (at, especially Ethan Allen and Satya Kraus, for their technical insights, guidance, and web audio examples.

Special thanks to the individuals and companies who enriched this book with practical real-world information and tools: Peter Elsea and Gordon Mumma of UCSC Electronic Music Studios, Gary Rydstrom and Ben Burtt of Skywalker Sound, Walter Murch of Looking Glass Films, Reid Ridgway of C.S. Audio, Jeff Essex of Audiosyncrasy, Jeff Patterson of IUMA, Robert Holt of NPR, Nick DelRegno of MCIWorldcom, David Dadekian of Fox News Corp., Mike Tsang of Zone Music, David Gibson of California Recording Institute, Tim Hynes of EMI, Tim Nielson of N2K Entertainment, Steve McMillan and Kari Day of RealNetworks, John Moran and Scott Whitney of The Hollywood Edge, Tom Murphy of Liquid Audio, Paul deBenedictus of Opcode, Stuart Dubey of Sonicopia, John Grey, John Nielson, and Brian Myers.

Josh writes: Thanks to all of my friends, associates, and family who have given me the support, encouragement, and wisdom to complete this project. Special thanks to my wife, Laura Genant, who stood by with patience and love during the many late nights spent over the past three years writing this book. Much gratitude to my brothers, Ethan Allen and Kevin and Breean Beggs, for their sage advice and support along the way. Special thanks to j rain for all the words of wisdom. And most important, my thanks to the power and spirit of making and sharing music -- the source of my inspiration.

Dylan writes: First and foremost, I give my thanks to God, who has inspired me all through my life. Many thanks go out to all the people who helped directly and indirectly in the creation of this book. It is my honor to give thanks to my family, especially my mother, Anita, my father, James, my grandmothers, Mary and Georgianne, and my brothers, Jeremiah and Christian. My uncles, aunts, and cousins, from California to Illinois, from New Jersey to Italy, and beyond. And to Amy Bradburn, who has inspired me to heights unimaginable. As for my extended family and friends, the list is long and the appreciation could probably fill a book in itself. The families of Thede, Ruffalo, Burgat, Manchester, Yurino, Huizenga, Robinson, Degenshein, D'Agostino, Pio, Neilson, Karst, Ruiz, Solomon, Brown, Reynolds, Barone, Stone, Macchia, Berkeley, Santa Cruz, Claremont, UCSC, UC Berkeley. The list goes on and my apologies if any are omitted. So many people who have given so much to me during my years and have inevitably been part of this project and all that I do. My heartfelt thanks to all of you. Last and certainly most of all, I wish to thank my co-author and lifelong friend, Josh Beggs. Josh, you are a talented individual and a true friend indeed!

Much love and many thanks to you all.

-- Josh Beggs and Dylan Thede

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