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7.3. Access to Directories

Unix uses the same mode bits (Section 50.2) for directories as for files, but they are interpreted differently. This interpretation will make sense if you remember that a directory is nothing more than a list of files. Creating a file, renaming a file, or deleting a file from a directory requires changing this list: therefore, you need write access to the directory to create or delete a file. Modifying a file's contents does not require you to change the directory; therefore, you can modify files even if you don't have write access to the directory (provided that you have write access to the file).

Reading a directory is relatively straightforward: you need read access to list the contents of a directory (find out what files it contains, etc.). If you don't have read access, you can't list the contents of the directory. However (surprise!), you may still be able to access files in the directory, provided that you already know their names.

Execute access for a directory has no meaning per se, so the designers of Unix have reassigned this. It is called the search bit. Search access is needed to perform any operation within a directory and its subdirectories. In other words, if you deny execute access to a directory, you are effectively denying access to the directory and everything beneath it in the directory tree. Note that providing search access to a directory without read access prevents people from listing the directory, but allows them to access files if they know their names. This is particularly useful in situations where you want to allow public access to areas, but only to people who know exactly what files to access; files available via a web server are a good example.

The SUID bit (Section 50.4) is meaningless for directories, but the SGID bit set on a directory affects group ownership of files created in that directory, and the sticky bit prohibits users with write access to the directory from deleting or renaming files that they don't own.

The exception is, of course, that the superuser can do absolutely anything at any time.

-- ML

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