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Unix Power Tools

by Shelley Powers, Jerry Peek, Tim O'Reilly, Mike Loukides, and other contributors
(A complete list of contributors is given in the Preface.)
ISBN 0-596-00330-7
Third edition, published October 2002.
(See the catalog page for this book.)

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Table of Contents

Copyright Page
How to Use This Book

Part I: Basic Unix Environment

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Getting Help

Part II: Customizing Your Environment

Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Unix Shell
Chapter 4: Interacting with Your Environment
Chapter 5: Getting the Most out of Terminals, xterm, and X Windows
Chapter 6: Your X Environment

Part III: Working with Files and Directories

Chapter 7: Directory Organization
Chapter 8: Directories and Files
Chapter 9: Finding Files with find
Chapter 10: Linking, Renaming, and Copying Files
Chapter 11: Comparing Files
Chapter 12: Showing What's in a File
Chapter 13: Searching Through Files
Chapter 14: Removing Files
Chapter 15: Optimizing Disk Space

Part IV: Basic Editing

Chapter 16: Spell Checking, Word Counting, and Textual Analysis
Chapter 17: vi Tips and Tricks
Chapter 18: Creating Custom Commands in vi
Chapter 19: GNU Emacs
Chapter 20: Batch Editing
Chapter 21: You Can't Quite Call This Editing
Chapter 22: Sorting

Part V: Processes and the Kernel

Chapter 23: Job Control
Chapter 24: Starting, Stopping, and Killing Processes
Chapter 25: Delayed Execution
Chapter 26: System Performance and Profiling

Part VI: Scripting

Chapter 27: Shell Interpretation
Chapter 28: Saving Time on the Command Line
Chapter 29: Custom Commands
Chapter 30: The Use of History
Chapter 31: Moving Around in a Hurry
Chapter 32: Regular Expressions (Pattern Matching)
Chapter 33: Wildcards
Chapter 34: The sed Stream Editor
Chapter 35: Shell Programming for the Uninitiated
Chapter 36: Shell Programming for the Initiated
Chapter 37: Shell Script Debugging and Gotchas

Part VII: Extending and Managing Your Environment

Chapter 38: Backing Up Files
Chapter 39: Creating and Reading Archives
Chapter 40: Software Installation
Chapter 41: Perl
Chapter 42: Python

Part VIII: Communication and Connectivity

Chapter 43: Redirecting Input and Output
Chapter 44: Devices
Chapter 45: Printing
Chapter 46: Connectivity
Chapter 47: Connecting to MS Windows

Part IX: Security

Chapter 48: Security Basics
Chapter 49: Root, Group, and User Management
Chapter 50: File Security, Ownership, and Sharing
Chapter 51: SSH


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