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Index: U

UCD-SNMP library: 10.3.1. Using SNMP from Perl
UID (see user ID)
Universal Naming Convention (UNC): 2.2.2. Microsoft Windows NT/2000
account creation/deletion, programs for: Unix account creation and deletion routines
communicating with Microsoft SQL Server: 7.1. Interacting with an SQL Server from Perl
directories, hidden: 10.2.1. Local Signs of Peril
disk quotas on: 2.5. Manipulating Disk Quotas
file operations on, tracking: 4.4.2. Tracking Operations in Unix
filesystems: 2.2.1. Unix
/proc: 4.3.3. Using the /proc Filesystem
querying usage on: 2.6. Querying Filesystem Usage
traversing/walking: 2.3. Walking or Traversing the Filesystem
group ID (GID): 3.1.1. The Classic Unix Password File
host files: 5.1. Host Files
generating: 5.1.1. Generating Host Files
parsing: 5.1. Host Files
source control systems: 5.1.4. Incorporating a Source Code Control System
installing modules on: 1.5.1. Installing Modules on Unix
1.5.1. Installing Modules on Unix
log files
analyzing: 9.5. Log Analysis
wtmp: 9.2. Binary Log Files
network operations on, tracking: 4.4.2. Tracking Operations in Unix
password file: 3.1.1. The Classic Unix Password File
passwords: Unix account creation and deletion routines
privileges on, dropping: 1.6.2. Drop Your Privileges as Soon as Possible
process control: 4.3. Unix Process Control
process table, module for interface to: 4.3.4. Using the Proc::ProcessTable Module
processes, listing: 4.3. Unix Process Control
shells: 3.1.1. The Classic Unix Password File
user identity: 3.1. Unix User Identity
unpack() function (Perl): 9.2.1. Using unpack( )
Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE) (see spam)
UPDATE command (SQL): D.4. Changing Table Information
USE statement (SQL): D.1. Creating /Deleting Databases and Tables
user accounts
adding/removing: 3.3. Building an Account System to Manage Users
API calls for: Windows NT/2000 account creation and deletion routines
modules for: Windows NT/2000 account creation and deletion routines
logins, security and: 10.2.2. Finding Problematic Patterns
with ADSI: 6.5.8. Working with Users via ADSI
process scripts for: 3.3.3. The Process Scripts
user ID (UID)
Unix: 3.1.1. The Classic Unix Password File
Windows NT/2000: 3.2.2. NT/2000 User ID Numbers
user input, security of: 1.6.3. Be Careful When Reading Data
User Security Model (USM): E. The Twenty-Minute SNMP Tutorial
identity of: 3. User Accounts
Unix: 3.1. Unix User Identity
Windows NT/2000: 3.2.1. NT/2000 User Identity Storage and Access
rights of, Windows NT/2000: 3.2.5. NT/2000 User Rights
USM (User Security Model): E. The Twenty-Minute SNMP Tutorial

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