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Index: E

-e file test operator : 2.5.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators
/e modifier : 2.4.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
-e switch, perl : 6.1.2. Switches
each function
3.2.30. each
5.4.3. Tying Hashes
editor support for debugger : 8.1.5. Editor Support for Debugging
effective gid : (see $ variables, $) variable)
effective uid : (see $ variables, $< variable)
$EFFECTIVE_GROUP_ID : (see $ variables, $) variable)
$EFFECTIVE_USER_ID : (see $ variables, $> variable)
efficiency : (see performance)
$EGID : (see $ variables, $) variable)
else statement : (see if statements)
elsif statement : (see if statements)
Emacs, debugger and : 8.1.5. Editor Support for Debugging
enablecache() routine : 7.2.4. Benchmark - Check and Compare Running Times of Code
encapsulation : 4.3.4. Using Object Methods
3.2.22. crypt Penguin
end of file : 3.2.31. eof
END subrountine : 5.1.2. Package Constructors and Destructors: BEGIN and END
__END__ token Other literal tokens
2.9.5. Global Special Filehandles
endgrent function : 3.2.44. getgrent
endhostent function : 3.2.49. gethostent
ending : (see terminating)
endless loop : (see infinite loops)
endprotoent function : 3.2.60. getprotoent
endpwent function : 3.2.61. getpwent
endservent function : 3.2.66. getservent
English module
7.2.76. vars - Predeclare Global Variable Names
8.2.3. Awk Traps
%ENV hash : 2.9.4. Global Special Arrays
deleting from : 3.2.26. delete
Env module : 7.2.14. Env - Import Environment Variables
environment variables : 2.9.4. Global Special Arrays
importing : 7.2.14. Env - Import Environment Variables
PERL5DB : 8.1.3. Debugger Customization
PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL : 5.3.9. A Note on Garbage Collection
PWD : 7.2.7. Cwd - Get Pathname of Current Working Directory
eof function
3.2.31. eof
8.3.1. Time Efficiency
eq operator : 8.2.1. Universal Blunders
equal sign : (see = (equal sign))
equal to (=) operator : 2.5.12. Equality Operators
equality operators : 2.5.12. Equality Operators
erasing : (see deleting)
$ERRNO : (see $ variables, $! variable)
error messages
7.2.5. Carp - Generate Error Messages
8.3.6. User Efficiency
8.4. Programming with Style
9. Diagnostic Messages
errors : 9. Diagnostic Messages
$@ variable for : 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
$! variable for : 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
$? variable for : 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
handling permissions for processes : 7.2.40. IPC::Open3 - Open a Process for Reading, Writing, and Error Handling
escape sequences for control characters : String literals
/etc/group file
3.2.44. getgrent
8.3.1. Time Efficiency
/etc/hosts file : 3.2.49. gethostent
/etc/networks file : 3.2.53. getnetent
/etc/passwd file
3.2.61. getpwent
8.3.1. Time Efficiency
/etc/services file : 3.2.66. getservent
/etc/utmp file : 3.2.50. getlogin
$EUID : (see $ variables, $> variable)
eval function
3.2.32. eval
4. References and Nested Data Structures
8.3.1. Time Efficiency
die function and : 3.2.27. die
loops and : 8.3.1. Time Efficiency
translating with variables : 2.4.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
$EVAL_ERROR : (see $ variables, $@ variable)
examples, Perl : 8.5.2. Examples
exceptions, die function for : 3.2.27. die
exclamation point : (see ! (bang))
exclusive OR operator
2.5.13. Bitwise Operators
2.5.20. Logical and, or, not, and xor
8.2.3. Awk Traps
exec function : 3.2.33. exec
$EXECUTABLE_NAME : (see $ variables, $^X variable)
methods : 5.3.6. Method Invocation
other programs from Perl : 3.2.167. system
Perl program
1.3.1. How to Do It
6.1. Cooperating with Command Interpreters
execv function (in C) : 3.2.33. exec
execvp function (in C) : 3.2.33. exec
exists function
3.2.34. exists
5.4.3. Tying Hashes
EXISTS method : 5.4.3. Tying Hashes
exit function
3.2.35. exit
3.2.40. fork
exit statement (awk) : a2p
diagnostics module : 7.2.10. diagnostics - Force Verbose Warning Diagnostics
infinite loop : For loops
exp function : 3.2.36. exp
expansion, filename : 3.2.69. glob
exponentiation (**) operator
2.5.4. Exponentiation
8.2.3. Awk Traps
Exporter module : 7.2.15. Exporter - Default Import Method for Modules
expr command (debugger) : 8.1.1. Debugger Commands
extending arrays : 2.3.4. List Values and Arrays
extensions, Perl
installing : 7.2.16. ExtUtils::Install - Install Files from Here to There
Makefiles for : 7.2.18. ExtUtils::MakeMaker - Create a Makefile for a Perl Extension
extracting substrings : 3.2.162. substr
ExtUtils::Install module : 7.2.16. ExtUtils::Install - Install Files from Here to There
ExtUtils::Liblist module : 7.2.17. ExtUtils::Liblist - Determine Libraries to Use and How to Use Them
ExtUtils::MakeMaker module : 7.2.18. ExtUtils::MakeMaker - Create a Makefile for a Perl Extension
ExtUtils::Manifest module : 7.2.19. ExtUtils::Manifest - Utilities to Write and Check a MANIFEST File
ExtUtils::Miniperl module : 7.2.20. ExtUtils::Miniperl - Write the C Code for perlmain.c
ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap module : 7.2.21. ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap - Make a Bootstrap File for Use by DynaLoader
ExtUtils::Mksymlists module : 7.2.22. ExtUtils::Mksymlists - Write Linker Option Files for Dynamic Extension
ExtUtils::MM_OS2 module : 7.2.23. ExtUtils::MM_OS2 - Methods to Override UNIX Behavior in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils::MM_Unix module : 7.2.24. ExtUtils::MM_Unix - Methods Used by ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils::MM_VMS module : 7.2.25. ExtUtils::MM_VMS - Methods to Override UNIX Behavior in ExtUtils::MakeMaker

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