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Perl Cookbook

Perl CookbookSearch this book
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5.16. Program: dutree

The dutree program, shown in Example 5.3 , turns the output of du .

% du pcb 

19      pcb/fix


20      pcb/rev/maybe/yes


10      pcb/rev/maybe/not


705     pcb/rev/maybe


54      pcb/rev/web


1371    pcb/rev


3       pcb/pending/mine


1016    pcb/pending


2412    pcb

into sorted, indented output:

2412 pcb




    1371 rev



|       |

    705 maybe



|       |      |

      675 .



|       |      |

       20 yes



|       |      |

       10 not



|       |

    612 .



|       |

     54 web




    1016 pending



|       |

        1013 .



|       |

           3 mine




      19 fix




       6 .

The arguments you give dutree are passed through to du . That way you could call dutree in any of these ways, or maybe more if your du supports other options.

% dutree % dutree /usr % dutree -a  % dutree -a /bin

The %Dirsize hash maintains the mapping of names to sizes. For example, $Dirsize{"pcb"} contains 2412 in this sample run. We'll use that hash both for output and for sorting each directory's subdirectories by size.

%Kids is more interesting. For any given path $path , $Kids{$path} contains a (reference to an) array of names of subdirectories of this one. The "pcb" entry contains a reference to an anonymous array containing "fix" , "rev" , and "pending" . The "rev" entry contains "maybe" and "web" . The "maybe" entry contains "yes" and "not" , which do not have their own entries because they are end nodes in the tree.

The output function is passed the start of the tree  - the last line read in from the output of du . First it prints that directory and its size. Then the function sorts the directory's children (if any) so that those with the most disk usage float to the top. Finally, output calls itself, recursing on each child in order. The extra arguments are used in formatting.

This program is inherently recursive because the filesystem is recursive. However, its data structure is not recursive; at least, not the way a circular linked list is. Each value is an array of further keys to process. The recursion resides in the processing, not in the storage.

Example 5.3: dutree

#!/usr/bin/perl -w # dutree - print sorted indented rendition of du output use strict;  my %Dirsize; my %Kids;  getdots(my $topdir = input()); output($topdir);  # run du, read in input, save sizes and kids # return last directory (file?) read sub input {      my($size, $name, $parent);     @ARGV = ("du @ARGV |");         # prep the arguments     while (<>) {                    # magic open is our friend

         ($size, $name) = split;         $Dirsize{$name} = $size;         ($parent = $name) =~ s#/[^/]+$##;   # dirname         push @{ $Kids{$parent} }, $name unless eof;     }      return $name; }  # figure out how much is taken up in each directory # that isn't stored in subdirectories.  add a new # fake kid called "." containing that much. sub getdots {     my $root = $_[0];     my($size, $cursize);     $size = $cursize = $Dirsize{$root};     if ($Kids{$root}) {         for my $kid (@{ $Kids{$root} }) {              $cursize -= $Dirsize{$kid};             getdots($kid);         }     }      if ($size != $cursize) {         my $dot = "$root/.";         $Dirsize{$dot} = $cursize;         push @{ $Kids{$root} }, $dot;     }  }   # recursively output everything, # passing padding and number width in as well # on recursive calls sub output {     my($root, $prefix, $width) = (shift, shift || '', shift || 0);     my $path;     ($path = $root) =~ s#.*/##;     # basename     my $size = $Dirsize{$root};     my $line = sprintf("%${width}d %s", $size, $path);     print $prefix, $line, "\n";     for ($prefix .= $line) {        # build up more output         s/\d /| /;         s/[^|]/ /g;     }     if ($Kids{$root}) {             # not a bachelor node         my @Kids = @{ $Kids{$root} };         @Kids = sort { $Dirsize{$b} <=> $Dirsize{$a} } @Kids;         $Dirsize{$Kids[0]} =~ /(\d+)/;         my $width = length $1;         for my $kid (@Kids) { output($kid, $prefix, $width) }     } } 

Before Perl supported hashes of arrays directly, Herculean efforts were required to emulate these higher order constructs. Some folks used repeated calls to split and join , but these were exceedingly slow.

Example 5.4 is a version of dutree from those days of Perl arcana. Because we didn't have proper array references, we had to usurp the Perl symbol table itself. This program created variables on the fly with bizarre names. Can you find which hash this program is using?

The @{"pcb"} array contains "pcb/fix" , "pcb/rev" , and "pcb/pending" . The @{"pcb/rev"} array contains "pcb/rev/maybe" and "pcb/rev/web" . The @{"pcb/rev/maybe"} array contains "pcb/rev/yes" and "pcb/rev/not" .

When you assign something like "pcb/fix" to *kid , it promotes the string on the right-hand side to a typeglob. This makes @kid an alias for @{"pcb/fix"}  - among other things. It would also alias &kid to &{"pcb/fix"} , and so on.

If that isn't interesting enough, consider how the local is using dynamic scoping of global variables to avoid passing in extra arguments. Check out what's happening with the $width variable in the output routine.

Example 5.4: dutree-orig

#!/usr/bin/perl # 

dutree_orig: the old version pre-perl5 (early 90s)  @lines = `du @ARGV`; chop(@lines); &input($top = pop @lines); &output($top); exit;  sub input {     local($root, *kid, $him) = @_[0,0];     while (@lines && &childof($root, $lines[$#lines])) {         &input($him = pop(@lines));         push(@kid, $him);     }      if (@kid) {         local($mysize) = ($root =~ /^(\d+)/);         for (@kid) { $mysize -= (/^(\d+)/)[0]; }          push(@kid, "$mysize .") if $size != $mysize;     }      @kid = &sizesort(*kid); }   sub output {     local($root, *kid, $prefix) = @_[0,0,1];     local($size, $path) = split(' ', $root);     $path =~ s!.*/!!;     $line = sprintf("%${width}d %s", $size, $path);     print $prefix, $line, "\n";     $prefix .= $line;     $prefix =~ s/\d /| /;     $prefix =~ s/[^|]/ /g;     local($width) = $kid[0] =~ /(\d+)/ && length("$1");     for (@kid) { &output($_, $prefix); }; }   sub sizesort {     local(*list, @index) = shift;     sub bynum { $index[$b] <=> $index[$a]; }     for (@list) { push(@index, /(\d+)/); }      @list[sort bynum 0..$#list]; }   sub childof {     local(@pair) = @_;     for (@pair) { s/^\d+\s+//g; s/$/\//; }               index($pair[1], $pair[0]) >= 0; }

The answer to the question posed above, "Which hash is the old dutree using?" is %main:: , that is, the Perl symbol table itself. Needless to say, this program will never run under use strict . We're happy to report that the updated version runs three times as fast as the old one. That's because the old one keeps looking up variables in the symbol table, and the new one doesn't have to. It's also because we avoid all that slow splitting of the space used and the directory name. But we thought we'd show you the old version because it is instructive too.

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5.15. Representing Relationships Between Data Book Index 6. Pattern Matching