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Advanced Perl Programming

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Tk Widget Reference
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A.3 Entry

Entry widgets are simple one-line text widgets. They do not support tags, marks, or embedded windows. The indexing syntax is consequently simpler:


Index into its contents, starting from 0.


End of the text.


The position immediately after the insertion cursor.

sel . first , sel.last

Indicates the first and last character of a tag.

The index argument for all methods in Table A.7 accepts any of the styles described above.

Table A.7: Entry Widget Properties and Methods




If false, it displays "*", not the real contents, and is used for obtaining passwords. Note that if the text is selected and pasted elsewhere, the real contents show up.


get (index)

Gets the entire string.

insert (index, string)

Inserts a string at the index.

index (index)

Returns the numerical index.

selectionFrom (index)

selectionTo (index)

selection (from,to)


To set or adjust the selection.


True if there's a selection.

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