Index: A - e-Reading Library
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Index: A
- A flag (Linux routing table): 2.4. The Routing Table
- A records
- file: 8.3.4. The Cache Initialization File
- nslookup command: 8.4. Using nslookup
- ABORT keyword (chat): A.3. chat
- ACCEPT keyword (iptables command): Defining iptables filter rules
- access control
- Apache
- document level: Setting document-level access controls
- file level: Setting file-level access controls
- overview: 11.4.4. Defining Access Controls
- user authentication: Requiring user authentication
- language extensions: Optional access control language extensions
- packet filtering: 12.7. Firewalls
- security
- overview: 12.5. Access Control
- shell command: Defining an optional shell command
- tcpd: tcpd access control files
- wrapper package: 12.5.1. wrapper
- xinetd: 12.5.2. Controlling Access with xinetd
- access.conf (Apache configuration file): 11.2. Configuring the Apache Server
- AccessFileName directive (Apache): 11.4.3. Directory-Level Configuration Controls
- access_times parameter (xinetd): 12.5.2. Controlling Access with xinetd
- acdirmax= option (vfstab file): The vfstab and fstab files
- acdirmin= option (vfstab file): The vfstab and fstab files
- Acknowledgment Number field (TCP headers): 1.6.2. Transmission Control Protocol
- Acknowledgment Segment (TCP headers): 1.6.2. Transmission Control Protocol
- acl statement (named.conf file): C.2.2. The acl Statement
- aclok option (share command): The share command
- acquire (EGP trace option): B.8.5. The egp Statement
- acquiring a neighbor (EGP): 7.5.1. Exterior Gateway Protocol
- acregmax= option (vfstab file): The vfstab and fstab files
- acregmin= option (vfstab file): The vfstab and fstab files
- actimeo= option (vfstab file): The vfstab and fstab files
- action field (inittab file): Understanding /etc/inittab
- active-filter option (pppd): A.2. The PPP Daemon
- active keyword (routed command): Running RIP with routed
- add keyword (dbmmanage command): Improved user authentication
- add keyword (route command): 7.3. Building a Static Routing Table
- AddEncoding directive (httpd.conf file): 11.3.6. Defining File Types
- AddIcon directive (Apache): 11.3.5. Creating a Fancy Index
- AddIconByEncoding directive (Apache): 11.3.5. Creating a Fancy Index
- AddIconByType directive (Apache): 11.3.5. Creating a Fancy Index
- Additional (DNS response packets): 13.6.4. dig: An Alternative to nslookup
- additional-from-auth parameter (named BIND 9 options statement): C.2.5.1. The BIND 9 options statement
- additional-from-cache (named BIND 9 options statement): C.2.5.1. The BIND 9 options statement
- AddLanguage directive (httpd.conf file): 11.3.6. Defining File Types
- AddModule directive (httpd.conf file): 11.3.1. Loading Dynamic Shared Objects
- Solaris modules: 11.3.1. Loading Dynamic Shared Objects
- address argument (ifconfig command): 6.1. The ifconfig Command
- address blocks: 2.2.1. Address Structure
- address conversion database (sendmail): Building a with m4 macros
- address field (chap-secrets file): 6.3.4. PPP Daemon Security
- Address field (netstat command): 6.1.1. The Interface Name
- address-list option (named): C.2.5. The options Statement
- address option (share command): The share command
- address records: C.3.1.3. Address record
- address resolution: 2.5. Address Resolution
- Address Resolution Protocol (see ARP)
- Address value (dhcpd option statement): D.3.3. DHCP Options
- addresses: 1.1.1. TCP/IP Features
- 2.1. Addressing, Routing, and Multiplexing
- 2.2.1. Address Structure
- (see also IP addresses)
- assigning
- contiguous blocks: 2.2.4. CIDR Blocks and Route Aggregation
- ifconfig command: 6.1. The ifconfig Command
- bit masks: 2.2.1. Address Structure
- 2.2.3. The Natural Mask
- broadcast: 2.2. The IP Address
- 2.2. The IP Address
- cache initialization file: 8.3.4. The Cache Initialization File
- CIDR: 2.2.4. CIDR Blocks and Route Aggregation
- classes of: 2.2.3. The Natural Mask
- conversion database (sendmail): Building a with m4 macros
- datagrams: 2.2. The IP Address
- default gateway, need for: 4. Getting Started
- default masks, identifying: 2.2.3. The Natural Mask
- DHCP, assigning: 3.6.2. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- dynamic allocation, dhcpd.conf file: 9.5.1. dhcpd.conf
- expected utilization rate: Obtaining an official network address
- host: 2.2.3. The Natural Mask
- assigning: 4.2.2. Assigning Host Addresses
- interpreting: 2.2.3. The Natural Mask
- IPv6: 2.2.5. IPv6
- limited broadcast: How DHCP works
- loopback
- converting to localhost: 8.3.5. The named.local File
- localhost: 3.2. The Host Table
- martians (gated): B.7. Definition Statements
- multicast: 2.2. The IP Address
- natural mask: 2.2.3. The Natural Mask
- Network Access Layer: 1.4. Network Access Layer
- network growth, effect on addressing schemes: 2.2.4. CIDR Blocks and Route Aggregation
- obtaining: 4.2.1. Obtaining an IP Address
- official, assessing need for: Obtaining an official network address
- overriding (sendmail): E.2. The sendmail Command
- registries, obtaining from: Obtaining an official network address
- reserved: 2.2. The IP Address
- resolution of: 2.5. Address Resolution
- reverse domains: Obtaining an IN-ADDR.ARPA domain
- rewrite rules, testing (sendmail): E.2. The sendmail Command
- routing tables, reducing size of: 2.2.4. CIDR Blocks and Route Aggregation
- sendmail
- transformation databases: 10.8.2. Using Key Files in sendmail
- transforming: 10.6.2. Transforming the Address
- Transforming with a database
- share command and: The share command
- shortage of: 2.2.5. IPv6
- spoofing: 4.2.1. Obtaining an IP Address
- subnet mask, defining: 4.2.3. Defining the Subnet Mask
- 4.2.3. Defining the Subnet Mask
- subnet masks
- creating: 2.2.2. Subnets
- RFCs: 2.2.2. Subnets
- subnets: 2.2.2. Subnets
- timing out: 3.6.2. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- translating
- forward-mapping zone files: 8.3.7. The Forward-Mapping Zone File
- reverse zone files: 8.3.6. The Reverse Zone File
- troubleshooting: 13.4.2. Troubleshooting with the arp Command
- translation, overview: 4.2.1. Obtaining an IP Address
- unicast: 2.2. The IP Address
- uniqueness of: 4.2.1. Obtaining an IP Address
- verifying (sendmail): E.2. The sendmail Command
- address_match_list option (named): C.2.5. The options Statement
- AddType directive (httpd.conf file): 11.3.6. Defining File Types
- adduser keyword (dbmmanage command): Improved user authentication
- admin-c field (RIPE database): Obtaining an IN-ADDR.ARPA domain
- adv (gated): B.4. Trace Statements
- Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA): 1.1. TCP/IP and the Internet
- advanced router option (Linux kernel configuration): 5.1.3. Linux Kernel Configuration
- advertise parameter (gated): B.8.9. The routerdiscovery Statement
- aero domain: 3.3.1. The Domain Hierarchy
- aggregate statement (gated): B.11. Aggregate Statements
- Alias directive (httpd.conf file): 11.3.4. Defining Where Things Are Stored
- aliases
- hostnames: 3.2. The Host Table
- network services: 2.6.2. Port Numbers
- sendmail, overview: 10.3. sendmail Aliases
- aliases database (sendmail): E.2. The sendmail Command
- aliases file: 3.4.1. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- email addresses: 3.4.1. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- NIS map: 9.4. Network Information Service
- sendmail, location of: 10.3. sendmail Aliases
- aliases-nexthop (gated): B.6. Interface Statements
- AliasFile option (sendmail): 10.5.4. Setting Options
- ALL keyword (security): tcpd access control files
- All (Options directive setting): 11.4.2. Controlling Server Options
- Allow from directive (Directory containers): 11.4.4. Defining Access Controls
- allow-ip option (pppd): A.2. The PPP Daemon
- allow keyword parameter (dhcpd): D.3.2. Configuration Parameters
- allow-notify (named): C.2.5.1. The BIND 9 options statement
- allow-query option (named): C.2.5. The options Statement
- allow-recursion option (named): C.2.5. The options Statement
- allow-transfer option (named): C.2.5. The options Statement
- AllowOverride directive (Apache): 11.4.3. Directory-Level Configuration Controls
- AllowOverride directives (Directory containers): 11.4.2. Controlling Server Options
- also-notify option (named): C.2.5. The options Statement
- alternative (MIME data subtype): 3.4.4. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
- always-reply-rfc1048 flag parameter (dhcpd): D.3.2. Configuration Parameters
- amd command: 9.1.4. NFS Automounter
- American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN): Obtaining an official network address
- anon=uid option (share command): The share command
- Answer (DNS response packets): 13.6.4. dig: An Alternative to nslookup
- Apache
- access controls
- document level: Setting document-level access controls
- file level: Setting file-level access controls
- overview: 11.4.4. Defining Access Controls
- user authentication: Requiring user authentication
- AllowOverride directive: 11.4.3. Directory-Level Configuration Controls
- conditional logging: Using conditional logging
- configuring
- overview: 11.2. Configuring the Apache Server
- Solaris: 11.2.1. Configuring Apache on Solaris
- directives
- AccessFileName: 11.4.3. Directory-Level Configuration Controls
- AuthName: Requiring user authentication
- AuthType: Requiring user authentication
- BrowserMatch: 11.3.7. Performance Tuning Directives
- configuration: 11.3.2. Basic Configuration Directives
- directory indexing: 11.3.5. Creating a Fancy Index
- DocumentRoot: 11.3.4. Defining Where Things Are Stored
- Group: 11.3.3. Managing the Swarm
- HostnameLookups: 11.3.7. Performance Tuning Directives
- httpd process control: 11.3.3. Managing the Swarm
- KeepAlive: 11.3.7. Performance Tuning Directives
- KeepAliveTimeout: 11.3.7. Performance Tuning Directives
- LogFileFormat: Defining the log file format
- MaxKeepAliveRequests: 11.3.7. Performance Tuning Directives
- MaxRequestsPerChild: 11.3.3. Managing the Swarm
- MaxSpareServer: 11.3.3. Managing the Swarm
- MinSpareServer: 11.3.3. Managing the Swarm
- performance tuning: 11.3.7. Performance Tuning Directives
- Require: Requiring user authentication
- StartServer: 11.3.3. Managing the Swarm
- Timeout: 11.3.7. Performance Tuning Directives
- User: 11.3.3. Managing the Swarm
- directory indexes: 11.3.5. Creating a Fancy Index
- directory-level configuration control: 11.4.3. Directory-Level Configuration Controls
- DocumentRoot directive: 11.2.1. Configuring Apache on Solaris
- DSO modules: 11.3.1. Loading Dynamic Shared Objects
- encryption: 11.4.5. Using Encryption
- httpd processes, managing: 11.3.3. Managing the Swarm
- httpd.conf file
- configuration directives: 11.3.2. Basic Configuration Directives
- dynamically loadable modules: 11.3.1. Loading Dynamic Shared Objects
- overview: 11.3. Understanding an httpd.conf File
- installing, overview: 11.1. Installing Apache Software
- launching
- daemons at bootup: 11.1.1. Using the Red Hat Package Manager
- without rebooting: 11.1.1. Using the Red Hat Package Manager
- MIME file types, defining: 11.3.6. Defining File Types
- monitoring: 11.5.1. Monitoring Your Server
- multi-homed servers, options: 11.3.10. Multi-Homed Server Options
- obtaining: 11.1.2. Downloading Apache
- OpenSSL: 11.4.5. Using Encryption
- packages, locating names of: 11.1.1. Using the Red Hat Package Manager
- proxy servers, caching options: 11.3.9. Proxy Servers and Caching
- security
- CGI scripts: 11.4.1. The CGI and SSI Threat
- overview: 11.4. Web Server Security
- SSI: 11.4.1. The CGI and SSI Threat
- server options, controlling: 11.4.2. Controlling Server Options
- virtual hosts, defining: 11.3.11. Defining Virtual Hosts
- Applicability Statements (AS): 1.1.2. Protocol Standards
- Application Layer: 1.2. A Data Communications Model
- 1.7. Application Layer
- application (MIME data content type): 3.4.4. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
- applications
- port numbers: 1.6.2. Transmission Control Protocol
- protocols for: 2.6.2. Port Numbers
- security
- removing unnecessary: 12.3.1. Remove Unnecessary Software
- updating: 12.3.2. Keep Software Updated
- architecture
- Internet routing: 2.3. Internet Routing Architecture
- TCP/IP models: 1.3. TCP/IP Protocol Architecture
- area auth simple parameter (gated): B.8.3. The isis Statement
- area parameter
- gated isis statement: B.8.3. The isis Statement
- gated ospf statement: B.8.1. The ospf Statement
- areas (OSPF hierarchy): 7.4.3. Open Shortest Path First
- arguments
- gated command: B.1. The gated Command
- ifconfig command: 6.1. The ifconfig Command
- sendmail command: 10.2. Running sendmail as a Daemon
- E.2. The sendmail Command
- sendmail K command: E.4.5. The sendmail K Command
- arguments field (inet.conf file): 5.3. The Internet Daemon
- Argv field (sendmail): 10.5.8. Defining Mailers
- arith (sendmail K command value): E.4.5. The sendmail K Command
- ARP (Address Resolution Protocol): 2.5. Address Resolution
- enabling and disabling: ARP
- arp command: 2.5. Address Resolution
- troubleshooting with: 13.4.2. Troubleshooting with the arp Command
- arp, diagnostic troubleshooting: 13.2. Diagnostic Tools
- arp module, options: 5.1.1. Using Dynamically Loadable Modules
- ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency): 1.1. TCP/IP and the Internet
- ARPAnet: 1.1. TCP/IP and the Internet
- AS (Applicability Statements): 1.1.2. Protocol Standards
- AS (gated): B.6. Interface Statements
- as parameter (gated): B.11. Aggregate Statements
- AS path (routing policies): B.10. Control Statements
- ASCII, MIME encoding: 3.4.4. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
- Asian Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC): Obtaining an official network address
- ASNs (autonomous system numbers)
- obtaining: 4.3.1. Obtaining an autonomous system number
- 4.3.1. Obtaining an autonomous system number
- routing databases, registering: 4.3.2. Registering in a Routing Database
- aspath parameter (gated): B.11. Aggregate Statements
- aspppd command (Solaris): 6.3.6. Solaris PPP
- asymmetric encryption: 12.6. Encryption
- Asynchronous PPP Daemon (aspppd): 6.3.6. Solaris PPP
- asyncmap option (pppd): A.2. The PPP Daemon
- at command, security considerations: 12.4.2. Looking for Trouble
- ATTEMPT option (xinetd): 12.5.2. Controlling Access with xinetd
- attempts option (resolv.conf file): 8.2.1. The Resolver Configuration File
- audio (MIME data content type): 3.4.4. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
- auth-nxdomain option (named): C.2.5. The options Statement
- auth option (pppd): 6.3.4. PPP Daemon Security
- A.2. The PPP Daemon
- configuring PPP servers: 6.3.5. PPP Server Configuration
- authentication: 12.2. User Authentication
- Apache: Requiring user authentication
- document-level access controls: Setting document-level access controls
- file-level access controls: Setting file-level access controls
- dedicated connections and: 6.3.1. The PPP Daemon
- OSPF: 7.4.3. Open Shortest Path First
- protocols, pppd command: 6.3.4. PPP Daemon Security
- shadow password files: 12.2.1. The Shadow Password File
- share command: The share command
- ssh: 12.2.6. Secure Shell
- AuthName directive (Apache): Requiring user authentication
- authoritative parameter (dhcpd): D.3.2. Configuration Parameters
- authoritative servers: 3.3.4. BIND, Resolvers, and named
- DNS: 3.3. DNS
- Authority (DNS response packets): 13.6.4. dig: An Alternative to nslookup
- AuthType directive (Apache): Requiring user authentication
- autofs script: 9.1.4. NFS Automounter
- auto_home map: 9.1.4. NFS Automounter
- auto_master file, configuration: 9.1.4. NFS Automounter
- automatically allocating addresses (DHCP): 3.6.2. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- automounter (NFS): 9.1.4. NFS Automounter
- configuration files: 9.1.4. NFS Automounter
- daemon: 9.1.4. NFS Automounter
- autonomous system external (ASE) routes: Exterior gateway configuration
- autonomous system numbers (see ASNs)
- autonomous systems (AS): 2.3. Internet Routing Architecture
- autonomoussystem (gated): B.7. Definition Statements
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