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Index: N

named programs (DNS): Set up a real DNS server on an internal system for internal hosts to use
naming services (see DNS)
NAT (see network address translation)
nested IP over IP: 4.3.4. IP over IP and GRE
Net8: 23.1.3. Oracle SQL*Net and Net8
Net Logon service: 12.4.4. Which Services Should You Leave Enabled?
netacl program: Using netacl to protect services
NetBEUI: 17.4. File Sharing for Microsoft Networks
NetBIOS: 17.4. File Sharing for Microsoft Networks
disabling: 12.4.5. Specific Windows NT Services to Disable
NetBIOS names: 20.3. NetBIOS for TCP/IP Name Service and Windows Internet Name Service
20.3.2. NetBIOS Names
NetBIOS over TCP/IP (see NetBT)
NetBT: 14.3. NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT)
17.4. File Sharing for Microsoft Networks
20.3. NetBIOS for TCP/IP Name Service and Windows Internet Name Service
disabling: 12.4.5. Specific Windows NT Services to Disable
name service: 20.3.2. NetBIOS Names
Netcaster: 15.6. Push Technologies
netcat program: 13.3. Analyzing Other Protocols
netfilter filtering system: 8.9.4. Linux netfilter
NetMeeting: 19.5. NetMeeting
NetSaint program: 10.11.2. Consider Using Software to Automate Monitoring
Netscape Navigator: 2.2. The World Wide Web
netstat program: 12.4.3. Next Steps After Disabling Services
13.3. Analyzing Other Protocols
architecture (see firewalls, architecture of)
checking connectivity of (see ping)
diagnostics: 22.4. ICMP and Network Diagnostics
disconnecting from
after incident: 27.1.3. Disconnect or Shut Down, as Appropriate
plan to: 27.4.3. Planning for Disconnecting or Shutting Down Machines
File System (see NFS)
functions, SOCKS version of: 9.5.4. Converting Clients to Use SOCKS
independent screened: 6.4.2. Independent Screened Subnets
insecure: 6.7.2. Insecure Networks
internal, locating web and database servers on: Putting both the web server and the database on the internal network
joint: 6.7.4. Joint Venture Firewalls
lab/test: 6.7.1. Laboratory Networks
lesystems: 2.4.2. File Sharing
location of bastion host on: 10.5. Locating Bastion Hosts on the Network
management services: 2.9. Administrative Services
22. Administrative Services
monitoring automatically: 10.11.2. Consider Using Software to Automate Monitoring
perimeter: 5.1. Some Firewall Definitions
6.3.1. Perimeter Network
24.1. Screened Subnet Architecture
locating web and database servers on: Putting both the web server and the database on the perimeter network
protecting internally: 6.7. Internal Firewalls
security (see security)
split-screened, architecture of: 6.4.1. Split-Screened Subnet
taps: Information theft
Time Protocol (see NTP)
transferring information across (see packet filtering)
virtual private (see VPN)
network address translation (NAT): 5.1. Some Firewall Definitions
5.4. Network Address Translation
advantages/disadvantages: 5.4.1. Advantages of Network Address Translation
Network Information Service (see NIS)
Network Monitor: 22.1.4. Performance Monitor and Network Monitor
Network News Transfer Protocol (see NNTP)
16.9. Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
network unreachable codes (see ICMP)
newsgroups: 2.3.2. Usenet News
16.9. Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
keeping current via: Newsgroups
private: 2.3.2. Usenet News
security resources via: A.4. Newsgroups
NFS (Network File System): 2.4.2. File Sharing
14.1. Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
17.3. Network File System (NFS)
client: 17.3.3. NFS Client Vulnerabilities
disabling: NFS and related services
file locking with: 17.3.4. File Locking with NFS
NIS+: 20.2. Network Information Service (NIS)
NIS (Network Information Service): 2.7. Naming and Directory Services
14.1. Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
20.1. Domain Name System (DNS)
20.2. Network Information Service (NIS)
disabling: NFS and related services
NISGINA: 21.6.6. Alternate Authentication Methods
NIST CSRC (Computer Security Resource Clearinghouse): A.5.3. NIST CSRC
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol): 2.3.2. Usenet News
16.9. Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
configuring: NNTP
in screened subnet architecture: NNTP
proxying: 9.4. Proxying Without a Proxy Server
NOCOL program: 10.11.2. Consider Using Software to Automate Monitoring
nonrouting dual-homed hosts: 10.2.1. Nonrouting Dual-Homed Hosts
10.10.3. Turning Off Routing
notifying people of incidents: 27.1.5. Make "Incident in Progress" Notifications
27.4.4. Planning for Notification of People Who Need to Know
NT LM Security Support Provider: 12.4.4. Which Services Should You Leave Enabled?
NTBugTraq mailing list: A.3.5. NTBugTraq
NTLM domains: 21.6. NTLM Domains
NTP (Network Time Protocol): 2.9.4. Time Service
22.5. Network Time Protocol (NTP)
proxying: 9.4. Proxying Without a Proxy Server

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