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Index: M

magic cookie: Using DNS with NIS
mail destination (MD) records: 5.1. MX Records
mail exchanger queries: BIND 4.9 and 8 statistics
mail exchangers: 5.1. MX Records
A records and: 5.3. The MX Algorithm
canonical domain name and: 5.3. The MX Algorithm
mail forwarder (MF) records: 5.1. MX Records
mail routing: 5. DNS and Electronic Mail
loops, avoiding: 5.1. MX Records
5.3. The MX Algorithm
mailers: 5. DNS and Electronic Mail
maintain-ixfr-base substatement: 10.4.3. BIND 8 IXFR Configuration
maintenance category: BIND 8 categories
maintenance intervals: 10.12.3. Maintenance Intervals
malformed response message: 7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
many-answers format: More efficient zone transfers
mapping: 4.2. Setting Up Zone Data
address-to-name: 2.6.6. Mapping Addresses to Names
4.2.7. PTR Records
h2n utility for (see h2n utility)
name-to-address: 4.2.6. Address and Alias Records
network names and numbers: 16.5. Network Names and Numbers
master files (see zone data files)
master server (see primary master name server)
masters substatement: 10.15.1. Configuring the IPv4 Transport
match-clients view substatement: 10.6. Views
max-ncache-ttl options substatement: 10.12.4. TTLs
max-refresh-time substatement: Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
max-retry-time substatement\\: Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
max-transfer-idle-in substatement: Limiting the duration of a zone transfer
max-transfer-idle-out substatement: Limiting the duration of a zone transfer
max-transfer-time-in substatement: Limiting the duration of a zone transfer
max-transfer-time-out substatement: Limiting the duration of a zone transfer
MB records: 3.2.2. Where in the World Do I Fit?
A.1.2. Types
MD5: 11.1.1. One-Way Hash Functions
MD and MF records: A.1.2. Types
MD records: 5.1. MX Records
changing data segment size and: Changing the data segment size limit
domain name storage and: 15.2.2. Domain Name Storage
resource limits and: 10.12.2. Resource Limits
memory utilization: 8.1.2. Capacity Planning
message compression, resource record data and: A.3.1. Data Format
message digests: 11.1.1. One-Way Hash Functions
message format: A.2.1. Message Format
messages: 4.7.2. Check for Syslog Errors
(see also error messages)
format of: 12.6.1. Showing the Query and Response Messages
15.2.1. DNS Message Format
A.2. DNS Messages
controlling (BIND 8/9): Data formatting for all channels
logging (BIND 8/9): 7.5. Logging in BIND 8 and 9
Perl objects for: 15.3.2. Packet Objects
starting: 4.7.2. Check for Syslog Errors
viewing: Viewing all category messages
MF records: 5.1. MX Records
MG records: 3.2.2. Where in the World Do I Fit?
A.1.2. Types
Microsoft (see entries at Windows)
mil domain: 2.2.1. Top-Level Domains
min-refresh-time substatement: Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
min-retry-time substatement: Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
MINFO records: A.1.2. Types
cache data: 14.3.7. Missing Root Hints Data
PTR records: 14.3.4. Added Name to Zone Data File but Forgot to Add PTR Record
subdomain delegation: 14.3.9. Missing Subdomain Delegation
Mockapetris, Paul
design of DNS and: 1.2.1. The History of the Domain Name System
JEEVES implementation of DNS and: 1.4. The History of BIND
RFC 1035 and: A. DNS Message Format and Resource Records
Modify Tool: 9.4.5. Delegating an Zone
MR records: A.1.2. Types
mtime (Unix file modification time): 10.3. DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
multihomed hosts: 4.2.5. NS Records
4.2.6. Address and Alias Records
address sorting and: 10.8. Name Server Address Sorting
multiple-cnames substatement: 10.7.1. Multiple CNAMEs
MX records: 5.1. MX Records
5.3. The MX Algorithm
A.1.2. Types
discarding: 5.3. The MX Algorithm
email and firewalls: Mail from internal hosts to the Internet
performance limitation of: 16.3. A Limitation of MX Records
query statistics for: BIND 4.9 and 8 statistics
vs. RT records: 16.6.3. X25, ISDN, and RT
sendmail and: 6.3.2. Electronic Mail

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