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Index: V

/var directory: 4.16. Important Directories
/var/log/lastlog file: 8.3. Managing System Logs
/var/log/messages: Trying out your network
/var/log/utmp file: 8.3. Managing System Logs
/var/log/wtmp file: 8.3. Managing System Logs
/var/spool directory: 4.16. Important Directories The rest of the printcap variables Setting up printer directories
/var/spool/cron directory: 8.2. Scheduling Jobs Using cron
/var/spool/lpd directory: 9.5. Printing
/var/spool/news directory: smail EDITME file
/var/spool/smail directory: smail EDITME file Mail system maintenance
variable storage address: 14.1.5. Getting Information
verbose= option (LILO): G.1. Global Options
version numbers for Linux: 1.4.1. A Note on Linux Version Numbers
7.4. Building a New Kernel
versions: 7.2. Upgrading Software
(see also upgrading software)
displaying information on: 7.4.2. Building the Kernel
vertical bar (|): 4.9. Saving Your Output
VESA monitor timings: 10.4. Configuring XFree86
VFAT filesystems/partitions: 12.1. Sharing Files
mounting: 12.1.1. Mounting DOS, VFAT, and NTFS Partitions
VFS error: 3.3.1. Problems with Booting the Installation Media
vga= boot-time option: Specifying boot time options
vga modes: The /etc/lilo.conf file Specifying boot time options
vga= option: G.3. Kernel Options
VGA16 server: 10.2. Hardware Requirements
vi editor: 1.5.1. Basic Commands and Utilities
9.1. Editing Files Using vi
clones of (easier to use): 9.1. Editing Files Using vi
extending: 9.1.12. Extending vi
video cards: 1.9.5. Monitor and Video Adapter Requirements
10.2. Hardware Requirements
10.5. Filling in Video Card Information
video issues with LinuxPPC: D.6.3. LinuxPPC 4.0 and 4.1 Video Issues
ViewPort option (XF86Config): 10.4. Configuring XFree86
vim editor: 9.1. Editing Files Using vi
consoles: 4.3. Virtual Consoles
5.3.3. rc files
8.5. Setting Terminal Attributes
desktop, fvwm: 11.2. The fvwm Window Manager
devices: 8.4.11. Exercising the Printer Daemon
filesystem: 6.1.1. Filesystem Types
RAM (see swap space)
services (Samba): Configuring Samba
Virtual option (XF86Config): 10.4. Configuring XFree86
viruses: 7.2.3. Upgrading Other Software
visible name: Configuring a Linux-installed smail package The mkconfig file
/vmlinux, /vmlinuz files: D.3.3. Installing BootX
5.2.1. Using a Boot Floppy
volume manager (see fdisk utility)
Vulcan nerve pinch: 3.2.4. Shutting Down the System
5.3.3. rc files
5.5. Shutting Down the System

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