Index: N - e-Reading Library
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Index: N
- Name interface: 22. The javax.naming Package
- name servers, JNDI and: 1.3.4. JNDI: Accessing Naming and Directory Services
- NameAlreadyBoundException class: 22. The javax.naming Package
- NameClassPair class: 6.6. Listing the Children of a Context
- 22. The javax.naming Package
- NameComponent arrays (CORBA NamingContext): 11.1. Naming Service
- NameComponent class: 4.3.3. Adding Objects to a Naming Context
- Using a naming context
- 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
- NameComponentHelper class: 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
- NameComponentHolder class: 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
- NamedValue class: 4.5.1. Dynamic Invocation Interface
- 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
- NameHelper class: 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
- NameHolder class: 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
- NameNotFoundException class: 6.2. A JNDI Example
- 22. The javax.naming Package
- NameParser interface: 22. The javax.naming Package
- names
- atomic, compound vs.: 6.9.2. The DirContext Interface
- attributes (attribute ID): 23. The Package
- composite: 22. The javax.naming Package
- compound: 6.6.1. How Names Work
- 22. The javax.naming Package
- fully-qualified: Naming/registry service
- how they work: 6.6.1. How Names Work
- invalid syntax: 22. The javax.naming Package
- NameValuePair class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
- naming
- IDL,
scope: 10.6. Naming Scopes
- scopes (IDL),
interfaces (inherited): Constant, type, and exception inheritance
- naming and directory services (networked), JNDI and: 1.3.4. JNDI: Accessing Naming and Directory Services
- Naming class: 13. The java.rmi Package
- naming context
- JNDI: 7.8.1. Finding Home Interfaces Through JNDI
- object reference, obtaining: Using a naming context
- naming conventions
- bound objects (sessions): 5.8. Session Tracking
- SQL objects (within schemas): 8.1. Relational Databases
- tables and schemas (SQL): 8.1. Relational Databases
- naming directory,
structure: 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
- Naming interface: 3.1.1. RMI in Action
- Naming/registry service
- 3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services
- 3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services
- remote objects,
looking up (example): 3.1.1. RMI in Action
- naming registry: 13. The java.rmi Package
- Naming Service (CORBA): 4.1.3. The Naming Service
- 4.3.2. Registering with a Naming Service
- 4.4.1. Initial ORB References
- Using multiple naming services
- 11.1. Naming Service
- 11.1. Naming Service
- 11.5. Life Cycle Service
- 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
- references, narrowing: Using a naming context
- Naming Service (IDL): 12. Java IDL Tools
- naming services
- context: 6.3. Introducing the Context
- directory services vs.: 6. JNDI
- JNDI SPI and: 6.1. JNDI Architecture
- JNDI supporting (Java programs): 6. JNDI
- references to other naming services: Using multiple naming services
- RMI: Naming/registry service
- 3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services
- using multiple: Using multiple naming services
- naming systems
- browsing: 6.6.2. Browsing a Naming System
- enterprise Java suppliers, JNDI accessing: 6. JNDI
- initial context: 6.3.1. Using the InitialContext Class
- naming operations (JNDI-accessible systems): 6.5. The NamingShell Application
- objects, looking up: 6.2. A JNDI Example
- 6.4. Looking Up Objects in a Context
- service providers (other): 6.3.2. Other Naming Systems
- NamingContext interface: 4.1.3. The Naming Service
- 11.1. Naming Service
- 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
- NamingContextHelper class: 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
- NamingContextHolder class: 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
- _NamingContextImplBase class: 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
- _NamingContextStub class: 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
- NamingEnumeration interface: 6.6. Listing the Children of a Context
- 22. The javax.naming Package
- NamingException class: 6.2. A JNDI Example
- 22. The javax.naming Package
- NamingManager class: 6.1. JNDI Architecture
- 24. The javax.naming.spi Package
- NamingSecurityException class: 22. The javax.naming Package
- NamingShell class
- directory server, using: 6.9.3. The Attributes Interface
- implementation example: 6.6.2. Browsing a Naming System
- JNDI commands, loading and executing: 6.5. The NamingShell Application
- running: 6.5.3. Running the Shell
- narrow()
- NamingContextHelper class: 4.1.3. The Naming Service
- PortableRemoteObject interface: 3.8. RMI over IIOP
- 3.8. RMI over IIOP
- 7.9.5. Assorted Other Changes
- Native-API Partly-Java Drivers: 2.3. JDBC Drivers
- native function libraries: 3.7. RMI and Native Method Calls
- Native Interface API: 3.7. RMI and Native Method Calls
- native members: Member availability and flags
- Native-protocol All-Java Drivers: 2.3. JDBC Drivers
- Net-protocol All-Java Drivers: 2.3. JDBC Drivers
- Netscape Directory Server (NDS): 6.9.1. X.500 Directories
- network protocols
- CORBA, defining: 4.1.4. Inter-ORB Communication
- TCP/IP: 1.2. Enterprise Computing Demystified
- network services,
Java Enterprise APIs, supporting: 1.3. The Java Enterprise APIs
- networking services,
Novell NDS and: 6.9.1. X.500 Directories
- networks
- applications, creating with RMI: 1.3.2. RMI: Remote Method Invocation
- heterogeneous devices: 1.2. Enterprise Computing Demystified
- schematic (hypothetical enterprise): 1.4. Enterprise Computing Scenarios
- newCall() (RemoteRef): 17. The java.rmi.server Package
- new_Context() (NamingContext): 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
- newInstance()
- ActivationGroup class: 3.6.4. Activation Groups
- ActivationInstantiator interface: 14. The java.rmi.activation Package
- newInstnce(),
ActivationGroup class: 14. The java.rmi.activation Package
- next(),
ResultSet interface: 18. The java.sql Package
- next() (ResultSet): 2.6. Results
- next_n() (BindingIterator): 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
- next_one() (BindingIterator): 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
- NO_IMPLEMENT class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
- NoInitialContextException class: 22. The javax.naming Package
- NO_MEMORY class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
- non-HTML content (servlets): 5.9. Databases and Non-HTML Content
- non-object oriented languages (CORBA specifications and): 4.1. The CORBA Architecture
- nonclass data structure definitions (C++ and IDL): 4.2.1. An IDL Primer
- nonremote objects, remote objects vs.: 3.4.2. Remote Method Arguments and Return Values
- nonrepeatable reads (transactions): 7.3.2. Transaction Isolation Levels
- NO_PERMISSION class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
- NoPermissionException class: 6.2. A JNDI Example
- 22. The javax.naming Package
- NO_RESOURCES class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
- NO_RESPONSE class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
- NoSuchAttributeException class: 23. The Package
- NoSuchObjectException class: 13. The java.rmi Package
- NotBoundException class: 13. The java.rmi Package
- NotContextException class: 22. The javax.naming Package
- NotEmpty class: 36. The org.omg.CosNaming.
NamingContextPackage Package
- NotEmptyHelper class: 36. The org.omg.CosNaming.
NamingContextPackage Package
- NotEmptyHolder class: 36. The org.omg.CosNaming.
NamingContextPackage Package
- NotFound class: 4.3.3. Adding Objects to a Naming Context
- Using a naming context
- 36. The org.omg.CosNaming.
NamingContextPackage Package
- NotFoundHelper class: 36. The org.omg.CosNaming.
NamingContextPackage Package
- NotFoundHolder class: 36. The org.omg.CosNaming.
NamingContextPackage Package
- NotFoundReason class: 36. The org.omg.CosNaming.
NamingContextPackage Package
- NotFoundReasonHolder class: 36. The org.omg.CosNaming.
NamingContextPackage Package
- notification (CORBA Event Service): 11.3. Event Service
- NotSupportedException class: 28. The javax.transaction Package
- Novell Directory Services (see Novell NDS)
- Novell NDS: 6. JNDI
- NdsObject interface (JNDI SPI): 6.1. JNDI Architecture
- NetWare Directory Services: 6.9.1. X.500 Directories
- service provider (JNDI): 6.4. Looking Up Objects in a Context
- null values
- database columns: 2.6.1. Handling Nulls
- inserting with PreparedStatement: 2.8. Prepared Statements
- rows, inserting: 2.13.1. Results Handling
- nullsAreSortedHigh() (DatabaseMetaData): 2.9.1. DatabaseMetaData
- numeric literals (IDL): 10.5.3. Numeric Literals
- mapping to Java: Mapping numeric literals to Java
- NVList class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
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