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0.4. Acknowledgments

A small army of people were instrumental in the writing of this book. First, I'd like to thank my editor, Lorrie LeJeune, for her support and for keeping this project pleasant despite its breakneck schedule. I also greatly appreciate the time and attention of executive editor Paula Ferguson, who really knows how to whip a book into shape. Thanks also to Richard Koman, the editor of the first edition, which provided a solid foundation for this current edition.

Thanks to Bill Peña for writing chapters on JavaScript and DHTML (despite his many other duties at O'Reilly).

This edition was greatly improved by the thoughtful comments of a bevy of technical reviewers: Lane Becker (for his thorough cover-to-cover treatment), Ian Graham (and his uncanny knowledge of HTML and XML), Eric Meyer (Mr. CSS), Greg Roelofs (King of PNG), Timothy Plumer, Jr. (Adobe Acrobat), Lisa Coen (Flash and Shockwave), Josh Beggs (audio), Derek Story and Steve McCannell (video), and Bob Eckstein (WAP and WML).

Thanks also go to Ron Woodall, creator of the HTML Compendium, which provided the basis for the browser support charts in the first edition. I encourage you to check out the Compendium's site ( for a complete list of tags and attributes, both current and obsolete, with detailed descriptions and browser support information.

Thanks to the following people who provided various forms of assistance, information, and tools I required to get my job done: Paul Anderson (; Andrew King (; Kevin Lynch (Macromedia); and Doug Meisner and Timothy Plumer, Jr. (Adobe Systems, Inc.).

I also want to recognize the efforts of O'Reilly's great production team. Leanne Soylemez worked as the developmental editor; Emily Quill handled production; Anne-Marie Vaduva graciously provided tools support; and Rob Romano and Jessamyn Read updated the figures. I'd also like to thank Tim O'Reilly for his careful crafting of the "In a Nutshell" series and for giving me the green light on this book back in 1998.

Finally, I'd like to thank my Mom, Dad, and brother Liam for their unending support and the inspiration they each provide. And last, but not least, warm thanks go to my new husband, Jeff Robbins, for keeping life interesting and love-filled.

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