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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 31.8 More Examples of Mapping Keys in vi Chapter 31
Creating Custom Commands in vi
Next: 31.10 Repeating a vi Keymap

31.9 Good Stuff for Your .exrc File

[You probably won't want all of these keymaps and abbreviations. I always hate to re-map keys unless I really have to-I'd rather remember the real command instead of my special map that works only from my account. But not everyone agrees with me. And I've gotta admit that Tom has some pretty useful-looking customizations in this file. Wherever you see ^V in this printout, that means that you type CTRL-v to protect the next key from interpretation by ex (31.6). In that case, the ^V is not stored in the macro. If you see two of them (^V^V) that sequence will store an actual CTRL-v in the macro. The file on the CD-ROM is ready to use: it has the real control characters stored in it. Try it! One more note: if your fancy hacks to the .exrc file don't seem to be working, watch carefully for error messages just as vi starts, before it clears your screen. If you can't read them quickly enough, try the tricks in article 42.8. -JP]




"nDdd`n@n `n 


cat /dev/tty 








"   INPUT MACROS that i always want active
map! ^Z ^[:stop^M
"   so i can stop in input mode.  note that autowrite is set, so 
map! ^A ^[:stop!^M
"   will stop me without writing.
map! ^K ^V^[O
"   lets me do kind of a negative carriage return in input mode.
map! ^V^[^B ^[bi
"   non-destructive ^W
map! ^V^[^F ^[Ea
"   and its inverse
map! ^B ^V^[i
map! ^F ^V^[lli
map! ^A ^V^[I
map! ^E ^V^[A
"   EXCHANGE MACROS - for exchanging things
map v xp
"   exchange current char with next one in edit mode
map V :m+1^M
"   exchange current line with next one in edit mode
map! ^P ^V^[hxpa
"   exchange last typed char with penultimate one in insert mode
map = ^^
"   edit previously edited file
map ^W :w^M
"   write out the file
map * i^M^[
"   split line
map ^A :stop!^M
"   unconditional stop
map Y y$
"   so Y is analogous to C and D
map ^R ddu
"   single-line redraw
map ^N :n +/^M
"   go to next file in arg list, same position 
"   useful for "vi +/string file1 file2 file3"
"   META MACROS, all begin with meta-key '\' ; more later in file
map ^V^I  \
"   so can use both ^I [tab -JP ] and \ for meta-key
map \/ dePo/\<^V^[pA\>^V^["wdd@w
"   find current word, uses w buffer
"   INVERT WORD CASE - V is like W, v is like w.  3V is ok, only to EOL.
"   uses both register n and mark n.
map \v ywmno^[P:s/./\~/g^M0"nDdd`n@n
"   abc -> ABC    ABC->abc
map \V yWmno^[P:s/./\~/g^M0"nDdd`n@n
" -> ABC.XYZ    ABC.XYZ->
"   EXECUTION MACROS - these two are for executing existing lines.
map \@ ^V^["mdd@m
"   execute line as a straight vi command (buffer m, use @@ to repeat)
map \! 0i:r!^V^["ndd@n
"   execute line as :r! command (buffer n, use @@ to repeat)
map \t :r!cat /dev/tty^M
"   read in stuff from X put buffer [in X window system -JP ]
"   BLOCK MACROS - these help when dealing with C blocks
map! ^O ^V^V^V{^M^V^V^V} ^V^[O^T
"   this will begin a block, leaving in insert mode
map! ^] ^V^[/^V^V^V}^V^Ma
"   and this will take you past its end, leaving in insert mode
"   LINT MACRO.  deletes all text from "lint output:" and below, (if any)
"   replacing it with lint output in pretty block comment form.  could
"   do sed work myself, but this is faster.  
"   the map! is for subsequent map, not by people, 
"   though /^Lo would make sense.
"   this is one of those famous time/space tradeoffs 
map! ^Lo lint output
"   and now for the real work
map \l Go^M/* ^Lo^M^[/^Lo^MdG:w^Mo/*** ^Lo^[<<
:r!lint -u -lc %^V|sed 's/^/ *  /'^MGo***/^[N
"   [NOTE: We split the macro above onto two lines for printing.
"   Type it on one line in your .exrc file. -JP ]
"   indent this for me
map \i :%!indent -i4^M
"   COMMENTING MACROS - these are actually pretty amazing
"   from edit mode, this comments a line [for the C language -JP ]
map ^X ^i/* ^[A */^[^
"   and this undoes it
map ^Y :s/\/\* \([^*]*\) \*\//\1^[
"   this next one defeats vi's tail-recursion defeatism
"   called by 2 maps following this one 
map! ^N ^V^[:unmap! ^V^V^M^[
"   while in insert mode, this will put you "inside" a comment
map! ^X ^V^[:map! ^V^V^M ^V^V^[a^V^V^V^No^[a /*  */^[hhi
"   while in edit mode, this begins a block comment - ^N to escape
map \c O/*^M *  ^M*/^[k:map! ^V^V^M ^V^V^M*  ^MA
"   and this is for adding more lines to a block comment - ^N to escape
map \o :map! ^V^V^M ^V^V^M*  ^MA
map _ i_^V^V^V^H^V^[ll
"   this character will now be underlined when less'd, rn'd, etc.
map \s :w^MGo^V^[:$r!spell %^M
"   spell the file, placing errors at bottom, use \n to find
map \n Gdd\/
"   for find next spelling error
map \P :.,$!fmt -75^M
"   format thru end of document
map \p !}fmt -75^M
"   format paragraph
map \f 1G/--^Mj:.,$!fmt -75^M
"   format message (assumes MH Mail "comp" format)
map \e :%!expand -4^M
"   expand tabs to 4 stops
map \r 1G/^-/^[:r!sed -e '1,/^$/d' -e 's/^./> &/' @ ^[/^-/^[j
"   read in @, quoted (for MH replies, who link @ to current file)

map \d :s/$/ $/^M$r 74^V|? ^V^Ms^M^[$xx0
"   split line, like !!fmt but cheaper
ab Jan January
ab jan january 
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ab nov november
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ab dec december
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ab xmas christmas
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ab info information

[Here's a macro by Greg Ubben that centers your current line:

map ^K 80I ^V^[$78hd0^D:s/  / /g^V^M$p

(^K, ^V, ^[, and ^M are control characters, but ^D is ^ and D.) This centers on an 80-column line. If any lines are close to 80 characters long now, the macro will work better with your wrapmargin set to 0. -JP ]

- TC

Previous: 31.8 More Examples of Mapping Keys in vi UNIX Power ToolsNext: 31.10 Repeating a vi Keymap
31.8 More Examples of Mapping Keys in vi Book Index31.10 Repeating a vi Keymap

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