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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 23.16 Removing a Strange File by its I-number Chapter 23
Removing Files
Next: 23.18 How Making and Deleting Directories Works

23.17 Problems Deleting Directories

What if you want to get rid of a directory? The standard way, and the safest way, to do this is to use the UNIX rmdir "remove directory" utility (or the GNU version on the CD-ROM):

% rmdir files

The rmdir command often confuses new users. It will only remove a directory if it is completely empty; otherwise, you'll get an error message:

% rmdir files
rmdir: files: Directory not empty
% ls files

As in the example, ls will often show that the directory is empty. What's going on?

It's common for editors and other programs to create "invisible" files (files with names beginning with a dot). The ls command normally doesn't list them; if you want to see them, you have to use ls -a (16.11):

% rmdir files
rmdir: files: Directory not empty
% ls -a files
.    ..    .BAK.textfile2

Here, we see that the directory wasn't empty after all: there's a backup file that was left behind by some editor. You may have used rm * to clean the directory out, but that won't work: rm also ignores files beginning with dots, unless you explicitly tell it to delete them. We really need a wildcard pattern like .??* (or more) (15.5):

% rmdir files
rmdir: files: Directory not empty
% ls -a files
.    ..    .BAK.textfile2
% rm files/.??*
% rmdir files

Other pitfalls might be files whose names consist of "non-printing" characters or blank spaces - sometimes these get created by accident or by malice (yes, some people think this is funny). Such files will usually give you "suspicious" ls output (16.13) (like a blank line).

If you don't want to worry about all these special cases, just use rm -r:

% rm -r files

This command removes the directory and everything that's in it, including other directories. A lot of people warn you about it; it's dangerous because it's easy to delete more than you realize. Personally, I use it all the time, and I've never made a mistake. I never bother with rmdir.

- ML

Previous: 23.16 Removing a Strange File by its I-number UNIX Power ToolsNext: 23.18 How Making and Deleting Directories Works
23.16 Removing a Strange File by its I-number Book Index23.18 How Making and Deleting Directories Works

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