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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 7.6 Session Information in Your Terminal's Status Line Chapter 7
Setting Your Shell Prompt
Next: 7.8 Highlighting in Shell Prompts

7.7 A "Menu Prompt" for Naive Users

Some people don't want to be faced with a UNIX % or $ shell prompt. If you usually run only a few particular UNIX commands, you can put those command names in the shell prompt. Here's a simple one-line Bourne shell prompt for a .profile:

PS1='Type "rn", "mailx", "wp", or "logout": '

Next, a multiline prompt (7.5) for the C shell .cshrc file:


if ($?prompt) then
set prompt='\\

Type "rn" to read the news,\\
type "mailx" to read and send mail,\\
type "wp" for word processing, or\\
type "logout" to log out.\\

You get the idea.

- JP

Previous: 7.6 Session Information in Your Terminal's Status Line UNIX Power ToolsNext: 7.8 Highlighting in Shell Prompts
7.6 Session Information in Your Terminal's Status Line Book Index7.8 Highlighting in Shell Prompts

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