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24.4. Fluent Perl

We've touched on a few idioms in the preceding sections (not to mention the preceding chapters), but there are many other idioms you'll commonly see if you read programs by accomplished Perl programmers. When we speak of idiomatic Perl in this context, we don't just mean a set of arbitrary Perl expressions with fossilized meanings. Rather, we mean Perl code that shows an understanding of the flow of the language, what you can get away with when, and what that buys you. And when to buy it.

We can't hope to list all the idioms you might see--that would take a book as big as this one. Maybe two. (See the Perl Cookbook, for instance.) But here are some of the important idioms, where "important" might be defined as "that which induces hissy fits in people who think they already know just how computer languages ought to work".

Whew! Had enough? There are many more idioms we could discuss, but this book is already sufficiently heavy. But we'd like to talk about one more idiomatic use of Perl, the writing of program generators.

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