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Perl in a Nutshell

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Win32 Modules and Extensions
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19.8 Win32::IPC

The Win32::IPC module provides synchronization for multiple objects created from the Semaphore, Mutex, Process, and ChangeNotify classes. This wait method of this class is inherited by objects of the preceding modules, as well as the functions wait_all and wait_any . You should not need to call Win32::IPC directly.

$obj-> wait ([ timeout ])

This method is used on any synchronization object. It waits for the object to become signaled. It returns 1 if the object is signaled, -1 if the object is an abandoned mutex, 0 if the call times out, and undef on error. timeout is the time to wait (in milliseconds). If no timeout is specified, the method waits indefinitely.

Win32::IPC also defines the two functions wait_all and wait_any :

wait_all( @objects , [ timeout] )

Waits for all the synchronization objects contained in @objects to be signaled. The optional timeout parameter is the same as described for wait . The return value will be an integer that identifies the last object to be signaled (the n th object in the list, starting from 1). A negative integer (- n ) indicates that the n th object was an abandoned mutex. A return of 0 means that the function timed out; and undef is returned on error.

wait_any( @objects , [ timeout] )

Waits for at least one of the objects contained in @objects to be signaled. Return values are the same as for wait_all , above, indicating which object signaled.

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