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Programming Perl

Programming PerlSearch this book
Previous: 7.2.43 Math::BigInt - Arbitrary-Length Integer Math Package Chapter 7
The Standard Perl Library
Next: 7.2.45 NDBM_File - Tied Access to NDBM Files

7.2.44 Math::Complex - Complex Numbers Package

use Math::Complex; $cnum = new Math::Complex;

When you use this module, complex numbers declared as:

$cnum = Math::Complex->new(1, 1);

can be manipulated with overloaded math operators. The operators:

+ - * / neg ~ abs cos sin exp sqrt

are supported, and return references to new objects. Also,

"" (stringify)

is available to convert complex numbers to strings. In addition, the methods:

Re Im arg

are available. Given a complex number, $cnum :

$cnum = Math::Complex->new($x, $y);

then $cnum->Re() returns $x , $cnum->Im() returns $y , and $cnum->arg() returns atan2($y, $x) .

sqrt() , which should return two roots, returns only one.

Previous: 7.2.43 Math::BigInt - Arbitrary-Length Integer Math Package Programming Perl Next: 7.2.45 NDBM_File - Tied Access to NDBM Files
7.2.43 Math::BigInt - Arbitrary-Length Integer Math Package Book Index 7.2.45 NDBM_File - Tied Access to NDBM Files