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Index: C

C/C++ languages
classes of, SWIG and : 18.3. SWIG Features
data structures in : 2.1. User-Defined Structures
dynamic tracing : 9.6.3. C++
exception handling : 5.2. The Block Form: Exception Handling
header files : 18.1.1. The Extension Process
modular programming in : 6.9.3. C/C++
object orientation : 7.5.3. C++ and Java
references in : 1.7.3. C/C++
run-time evaluation and error handling : 5.7.3. C / C++
subroutines in : 4.5.3. C++
using with Perl : 18. Extending Perl:A First Course
Mandelbrot code example : 18.2. Example: Fractals with Perl
XS and C++
18.4.5. C++ Code
20.5.5. C++ Objects and XS Typemaps
calculator, eval for (example) : 5.4. Using Eval for Expression Evaluation
4.2. Using Subroutine References Msg: Send-side routines
associating with button clicks : 14.3.2. Labels and Buttons
closures for : 4.4.1. Using Closures as "Smart" Callbacks
objects as : 4.4.3. Closures Versus Objects
widgets and : 14.6. Event Bindings
caller function : B.8. Meta-Information
can function : 7.3. UNIVERSAL
Canvas widgets
A.2. Canvas
14.3.4. Canvas
Tetris GUI (example) : 15. GUI Example: Tetris
CASE tools : 17.1. On Code Generation
cget function : 14.3.2. Labels and Buttons
A.1.2. Checkbutton
14.3.3. Radiobuttons and Checkbuttons
child processes : 12.3.1. Multiple Threads of Execution
CHLD signal : 12.3.1. Multiple Threads of Execution
Christiansen, Tom
2. Implementing Complex Data Structures
2.6. Resources
4.4.3. Closures Versus Objects
5.6. Using Eval for Time-Outs
circular references : 1.6.1. Reference Counts
class (static) methods : 7.2.5. Class Methods and Attributes
class attributes : 7.2.5. Class Methods and Attributes
in Java : 6.9.4. Java
overriding : Overriding base classes
superclasses (base classes) : 7.2.6. The Need for Inheritance
handling multiple : 12.3. Handling Multiple Clients
prebuilt modules for : 12.6. Prebuilt Client Modules
4.3. Closures Closures
objects versus : 4.4.3. Closures Versus Objects
syntax : B.3. Closures
COBOL language : 1. Data References and Anonymous Storage
code values (CVs) : 20.3.5. Code Values
hand-coding XSUBs : 20.4.2. The Called Side: Hand-Coding an XSUB
CODE directive (XS) : 18.4.4. Special Code
code generation : 17.1. On Code Generation
input specification parser
17.2. Jeeves Example
17.3.1. Advantages of This Architecture
example of : 17.5. Sample Specification Parser
Jeeves framework
17.2. Jeeves Example
17.3. Jeeves Overview
stages of : Compilation and code generation stages
collision chaining : Inside HVs
colors, widgets and : Colors
columns, extracting from files (example) : 5.5.2. Extracting Columns from a File
command lines, aliasing on : Aliasing on command lines
command property : (see widgets)
commit_transaction function : 11.1. Adaptor: An Introduction
communications endpoints : (see sockets)
compiling : 20.7. A Peek into the Future
modules/packages : 6.3. Package Initialization and Destruction
with yacc : Compilation and code generation stages
component-based programming : The Case for Scripting
composition : 8.3.4. Using Composition Instead
concurrency : 10.1. Persistence Issues
connect function : 13.1. Msg: Messaging Toolkit
connection-oriented communication : 12.1. Networking Primer
connectionless communication : 12.1. Networking Primer
constant folding : Compilation and code generation stages
constants : 3.3.2. Constants
references to : 1.1. Referring to Existing Variables
context propagation : Compilation and code generation stages
context stack : 20.4.3. Inside Other Stacks
Ctrl-C signal : 4.2.2. Signal Handlers
CVs (code values) : 20.3.5. Code Values
cxstack : 20.4.3. Inside Other Stacks

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