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0.7. Acknowledgments

The authors would first like to thank their editor Andy Oram for both his skill at making our work look more professional and for the less obvious and likely less enjoyable task of putting us back on focus when our minds would wander.

We also owe a huge debt of gratitude to those who provided us with a critical look at the book. Anyone familiar with MySQL knows the name Michael Widenius, the head of the MySQL project. He and another member of the MySQL team, Paul DuBois, sent in many valuable comments. Brian Jepson, one of the authors of the Official Guide to Mini SQL (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), kindly offered us valuable input on our mSQL coverage. Finally, Glenn MacGregor and Michael Schecter provided useful comments on the book overall.

0.7.1. From Randy Yarger

I would like to thank my fiancée, Stacie Sheldon, for the support and love that has kept me sane. I would also like to thank Andy Oram for encouraging a relatively unknown author. Finally, but definitely not lastly, I would like to thank the ones that made it possible for me to be here, my mother, my father, and my creator.

0.7.2. From George Reese

I would specifically like to thank Monique Girgis for using her professional proof-reading abilities on each one of my chapters. Leigh Caldwell also provided some critical eleventh-hour feedback on the last version of the MySQL chapters. Finally, I have to mention my cats, Misty, Gypsy, and Tia.

0.7.3. From Tim King

I wish to acknowledge Professor John Carlis for getting me interested in database technology and data modeling in the first place; Mark Kale for teaching me more about it than I ever learned in college; the lovely Ann Soter for her moral support and patience; and my mother and father for encouraging my interest in computers before it was cool to be a geek!

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