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Java in a Nutshell

Previous Chapter 29
The java.text Package

29.16 java.text.ParsePosition (JDK 1.1)

ParsePosition objects are passed to the parse() and parseObject() methods of Format and its subclasses. The ParsePosition class represents the position in a string at which parsing should begin or at which parsing stopped. Before calling a parse() method, you can specify the starting position of parsing by passing the desired index to the ParsePosition() constructor, or by calling the setIndex() of an existing ParsePosition object. When parse() returns, you can determine where parsing ended by calling getIndex(). When parsing multiple objects or values from a string, a single ParsePosition object can be used sequentially.

public class ParsePosition extends Object {
    // Public Constructor
            public ParsePosition(int index);
    // Public Instance Methods
            public int getIndex();
            public void setIndex(int index);

Passed To:

ChoiceFormat.parse(), DateFormat.parse(), DateFormat.parseObject(), DecimalFormat.parse(), Format.parseObject(), MessageFormat.parse(), MessageFormat.parseObject(), NumberFormat.parse(), NumberFormat.parseObject(), SimpleDateFormat.parse()

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